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丝绸服装的销路不错。The silk garment is a widely marketable product.

这种型号的电脑可能很有销路。The type of computer may be very marketable in my.

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我们要很有信心这个产品在市场上是有销路的。We want to be confident the product is marketable.

第一时间为您传递适销对路的产品。For the first time you transfer marketable products.

所以你需要一个良好的计划和适销对路的产品。So you need both a good plan and a marketable product.

基金的目标是找寻具有可行性和市场前景的商业点子。The goal is to find practicable, marketable business ideas.

公股流通的价格要公平和市场化。The price of the public shares' currency must be fair and marketable.

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同时,公司随市场需求不断开发适销对路产品。Meanwhile, the market demand with the development of marketable products.

二是开发适销商品,满足新型消费需求。Second, developing marketable commodities to satisfy new consumer demand.

价格有点高的红木家具展是“适销对路”。”The price is a bit high mahogany furniture in the exhibition is " marketable".

你会得到对每一个应用程序,我公司认为适销对路的现金收购报价。You will get a CASH OFFER for every application that my company deems marketable.

葡萄好果率与果肉硬度在一定范围内呈良好线性关系。The marketable fruit rate of grape has a good linear relationship with fruit hardness.

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到20世纪末,发现和引领潮流的能力已经成为可供自我推销的技能。By the end of the 20th century, trend spotting and trendsetting were marketable skills.

使商品适销对路,是商家的基本经营术。Making goods readily marketaBle is the Businessmen's fundamental technique of operation.

第三部分,石羊河流域实施排污权交易的必要性和可能性分析。The 3rd part analyzes the necessity and feasibility of marketable pollution permits system.

凡是有关性爱的东西都可以大卖,现在看来在立体镜下的性爱至少具有其两倍的市场潜力。They say sex sells, and it now seems that sex in stereoscope is at least twice as marketable.

高档次的涤纶仿麻产品是今年市场流行的主要产品之一。Top-quality linen imitation is one of the major fashionable and marketable products this year.

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杰克˙琼斯代表着最流行的款式和最具竞争力的价格。Jack &Jones aims to have the most marketable collections ready at the right time and at the right price.

如果你能发展一套销售技能并保持自我独立,那么你可以收获相当可观的回报。If you can develop a marketable skill and retain your independence then you can reap considerable rewards.

第四部分,石羊河流域排污权交易制度构建。The 4th part writes about the building of the marketable pollution permits system to the ShiYang River Basin.