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我们都听说过关于苏美尔洪水的古老传说。We know of a very ancient Sumerian flood story.

阿曼地区曾经因美根的闪族人而闻名。The region of Oman was once known by its Sumerian name Magan.

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苏美尔传说中关于Ziusudra和创世纪中的记载很相像。The Sumerian story of Ziusudra is very similar to the Genesis account.

最早的泥板文书来源于公元前3000年苏美尔人的文化。The earliest clay tablets come from the Sumerian culture of around 3, 000BC.

它提到了早期的炼金术士佐西玛和伊希斯,当然也回到苏美尔的众神和神话中去。It speaks of early alchemists Zosimus and Isis and of course go back to Sumerian gods and myths.

苏美人的宗教为多神教,也就是,苏美人奉信和膜拜很多神灵。Sumerian religion was polytheistic , that is, the Sumerians believed in and worshipped many gods.

金字形神塔的砖块上刻有其建造者苏美尔国王乌尔·那姆的名字。The bricks of the Ziggurat are stamped with the name of Ur Nammu, the Sumerian king who built it.

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毕竟,闪族人和其他近东文明被征服和被其他帝国取代。Afterall, Sumerian and other Near Eastern civilizations were conquered and replaced by other empires.

苏美尔人有一个关于公元前三千年,一直往回3000年,公元前。We have a Sumerian story about the third millennium BCE, going back 3000--third millennium, 3000 BCE.

吉尔伽美什是古苏美尔史诗中的英雄,吉尔伽美什之歌,写于公元前2900年。Gilgamesh was the hero of the ancient Sumerian epic poem, The Song of Gilgamesh, written about 2900 B.C.

我们已知的一些最古老,也是最精致的珠宝饰品是来自于苏美尔王朝统治者---普阿比皇后的墓葬遗址。Some of the oldest and finest known jewelry comes from the burial site of the Sumerian ruler Queen Pu-abi.

原本,也有古代苏米人与埃及人的符号,可是只有中国文字保留至今。Originally, ancient Sumerian and ancient Egyptian symbols existed, but only Chinese characters remain today.

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正如苏美尔人和其它很多神话一样,一场为了争夺宇宙地位最高者而发生的致命斗争发生了。As with Sumerian and many other mythologies a cosmic struggle for supremacy arises in which mortal combat occurs.

在美索不达米亚南部的乌鲁克,苏美尔文明似乎已经达到了创造性的顶峰。Oppenheim states, In Uruk, in southern Mesopotamia, Sumerian civilization seems to have reached its creative peak.

发现于马里废墟,一个位于叙利亚的前苏美尔人边区村落的一份公元前18世纪的文献提到了迦南。Canaan is mentioned in a document from the 18th century BC found in the ruins of Mari, a former Sumerian outpost in Syria.

人的每项活动都和神明发生关系,在苏美人的观念中,甚至空气中都充满了神。Each person's activities and relations between the gods took place in the Sumerian concepts, even in the air is full of God.

我有一个经过翻译了的苏美尔人的文件,精确地讲述了如何建造一个飞碟,不过是直译的。I have a Sumerian document that's been translated that tells exactly how to build a flying saucer and it's a direct translation.

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巴比伦人担当啦苏美尔人和阿卡德人地文化功效,并发扬光年夜,把美索不达米亚文化开展到啦高峰。Sumerian and Akkadian Babylonians inherited the achievements of human civilization and carry forward the civilization of Mesopotamia to the peak.

当日在归还仪式上,包括一个古代苏美尔石碑和一个刻有萨达姆肖像的AK-47步枪在内的6件物品被交还给伊拉克。Six pieces ranging from an ancient Sumerian stone tablet to an AK-47 rifle bearing Saddam's image were handed over to Iraq at a ceremony Thursday.

美索不达米亚人认为不可思议的事是苏美尔和阿卡得起源的不可分混合物,被一种未知的底层人口所影响。The Mesopotamian view on the supernatural is an inextricable mixture of Sumerian and Akkadian origin, influenced by an unknown substrate population.