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通货膨胀使物价节节上涨。Monetary inflation spirals inexorably on.

中国反对将货币政策政治化。China opposes politicizing monetary issues.

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所以,这将会是货币政策的工具。So that will be the monetary policy tool.

接下来的一节课的内容是货币政策The following lecture is about monetary policy.

用来制定货币政策的战略。uses to develop strategies for monetary policy.

确实,放松货币似乎毫无代价。Indeed, monetary easing appeared to be costless.

放松货币的政策一度非常流行。Indeed, monetary easing appeared to be costless.

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这些现象意味着需要紧缩型的货币政府。This suggests a need for tighter monetary policy.

它的名称来源于印度货币单位卢比。The name derives from the Indian monetary unit rupee.

正如国际货币基金所观察的——并且表示赞许!As the International Monetary Fund notes — approvingly!

中国的货币政策目前可谓是雾里看花。Right now, confusion reigns on China's monetary policy.

国际货币基金组织则承诺提供300亿。The International Monetary Fund promised 30,000,000,000.

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投诉者还要求对被告实行金钱赔偿和处罚。The complaint also seeks monetary damages and penalties.

是糟糕的国家政策--尤其是糟糕的货币政策。Bad government policy--in particular, bad monetary policy.

三分之一的工资,在这个网站上也有货币。One third of the wagers on this website are also monetary.

在一系列激进的宽松货币政策之后,这也本该如此。And so they should, following a torrent of monetary easing.

降低货币政策的任意性使之更具规范性。Make monetary policy less discretionary and more rule-like.

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美国货币基本单位是美元来源安通学校。The basic monetary unit of the United States is the dollar.

那么,你最好能说出这只茶壶的货币价值。Well then you'd better put a monetary value on this teapot.

货币银行学是金融学各学科的基础。Monetary Banking is the base of all other financial courses.