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布兰奇弗劳尔表示自己没有党派关联。Blanchflower, who says he has no party affiliation.

市政协委员、无党派人士。Municipal CPPCC members, personages without party affiliation.

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盟军一栏会描述这个事件是否有友军和环境因素。Affiliation describes if the event was of friendly or enemy nature.

在多年从属于主流派之后,他如今玩儿似地搞起摇摆舞音乐来了。After years of mainstream affiliation he is now flirting with rock.

催产素是一种激发人类亲密和爱情的荷尔蒙激素。Oxytocin is the hormone that induces feelings of affiliation and love.

“现已消失的伊特鲁里亚语,这种语言的语缘关系尚不明。”…The extinct language of the Etruscans, of unknown linguistic affiliation.

野村公司的一位发言人拒绝透露户田博史的政党偏好。A Nomura spokeswoman declined to disclose Mr. Toda's political affiliation.

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他以从属关系为理由提出对半岛地区拥有管辖权。He set up a claim to jurisdiction over Byland on the ground of affiliation.

对于新手来说,一个战场,没有命令或团队的冠军不能让新手理解。For starters, a spectating player has no champion to command or team affiliation.

从客户关系网络经纪人赚取网站注册等业主委员会。Affiliation Network from Brokers to Earn Site Owners Commission on Client Signups.

党派身份并不一定能够预测一位选民会推选哪位候选人。Party affiliation does not necessarily predict which candidate a voter will choose.

这新闻播报员正在找线索及在他的服务机构日夜工作。The newscaster is searching for clues and working around the clock in his affiliation.

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因此,从低年级开始,我们就应该指导孩子,让他们有效地操作学具。So we must direct kids to use educational affiliation more effective from junior class.

如候选人选择公开其政治系的资,他可在提名表格内申明。If a candidate so wishes, he can state his political affiliation on the nomination form.

1999年,菲利普约翰逊的DJ馆庆祝了历史性的联系PS1和现代艺术博物馆。In 1999, Philip Johnson's DJ Pavilion celebrated the historic affiliation of PS1 and MoMA.

我没与可能适当地或不正确地正在使用ODP数据的任何另外的网站有联营。I have no affiliation with any other website that may be using ODP data properly or improperly.

2003年3月,国际经贸学院隶属关系完全划归烟台大学。In March 2003, International Trade College, Yantai University, affiliation entirely classified.

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这两人都和以前的同事保持着友谊,而且对中情局有着归属感。Both have maintained friendships with former colleagues and retain their sense of Agency affiliation.

利物浦和嘉士伯17年的合作关系将于本赛季结束后终止。The 17-year affiliation between Carlsberg and Liverpool will finish at the end of the current season.

拥有网页或者电邮地址,但在其中没有任何经济从属物主的财产。the mentioning of a web site- or e-mail address without any economic affiliation to the owner thereof.