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卧室礼仪。Bedroom Etiquette.

养成好习惯和适当的礼仪。Practice good manners and proper etiquette.

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这将在外交上犯失礼的错误。This would be against diplomatic etiquette.

这提出了一个棘手的礼节问题。This presented a ticklish etiquette problem.

“礼”是李觏思想的核心观念。Etiquette is the core concept of his ideology.

对于这些关于筷子的礼仪,你知道多少呢?How well do you know your chopstick etiquette?

让通话者等待是商务礼仪中的大忌。Call-waiting is a "curse" on business etiquette.

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年轻人又怎能将礼仪和羞耻心抛到脑后呢?How can youngsters cast aside etiquette and shame?

网络礼仪是因特网上的礼仪。Netiquette is all about etiquette on the Internet.

在商务礼仪中,职位头衔要比性别更为重要。Business etiquette is based on position not gender.

服务质量是礼仪公司经营的生命线。Service quality is the lifeline of business etiquette.

从那以后,他们中邪似的学习礼节。Since then,they’ve been addicted to learning etiquette.

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在高尔夫球赛中,讲话只违反常规的。In golf it is against the etiquette of the game to talk.

礼仪之于社会犹如衣着之于个人。Etiquette to society is what apparel is to the individual.

面试礼仪不仅限于临别握手。Interview etiquette extends beyond the goodbye hand-shake.

且其空间教养的缺如可能会变成有利条件。Yet its poor space etiquette could be turned to advantage.

内衣还与遮羞礼仪有着紧密的联系。Also underwear closely relates to shame-covering etiquette.

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还有那些商务礼仪是你应该记住的?What other business etiquette rules should be kept in mind?

如果要在列车上吃活螃蟹,应该注意什么礼仪?Is there proper etiquette for eating a live crab on a train?

通过使用解释邮件的问候页面进行下一步。Take the next step with an explanatory email etiquette page.