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它们是主观综合的。They are subjectively synthetic.

客观上讲她可能是对的,但在主观上呢?Could she be right, not objectively, but subjectively?

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首先他设计了一个实验来测试人们如何主观认识等待时间的长短。He wanted to know how we subjectively perceive waiting time.

其不足之处主要足存在一些主观臆测之词。Its insufficient aspect mainly has some words conjectured subjectively.

反馈一般是使用调查问卷来获得的。Feedback is typically gathered subjectively by using, for example, a questionnaire.

你可以客观地,也可以主观地描述你的能力和资格。You can objectively, can also be subjectively describe your skills and qualifications.

深睡眠阶段在主观上就是一段与外界环境几乎完全脱离的时间。Subjectively deep sleep is a time of nearly complete disengagement from the environment.

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这样就解决了企业在裁减人员过程中主观地决定裁减人数的问题。Thus, problem of deciding number of employees to be cut subjectively by enterprise can be avoided.

灵魂的坚固已经崩坍,主观上剩下的是无生命,阴郁及沮丧。The tonus has given way, and this is left subjectively as lifelessness, moroseness, and depression.

方法包括睫状肌麻痹剂点眼前后的主观和客观检查。The refraction was performe4 before cycloplegics and after cycloplegics, subjectively and objectively.

把孙中山的民生主义定性为“主观上的社会主义,实际上的资本主义”尚有存疑。It leaves a question open to determine its nature as " subjectively socialism and practically capitalism".

作为哈利波特的忠实影迷,我主观地讲句,哈利波特,真是难以形容的好看。As harry potter's faithful fans, I subjectively speak words, harry potter, an indescribable of good-looking.

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冷气流会主观的感到比室内温度要低。Cold air drafts can contribute significantly to subjectively feeling colder than the average room temperature.

定义与分类是按照事物的自然和社会的客观属性加以人为的主观界定。Definition and classification according to the natural and social objective attributes to define subjectively by human.

举例来说,有些研究只依赖一个治疗师对一名患者的治疗结果,由此便主观地判断该种疗法很有成效。For instance, some rely on the therapist who has treated a patient to subjectively evaluate how well the therapy worked.

最后,前庭兴奋性的波动与主观认为的眩晕的程度是正性相关的。Finally, fluctuations of vestibular excitability correlated positively with the extent of subjectively perceived vertigo.

医病之间由于相互作用而产生的意义和期望可以实实在在地作用于身体,而不仅仅是主观的。The meanings and expectations created by the interactions of doctors and patients matter physically, not just subjectively.” 10

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主观上买北不买南,有一种人认为北部是上风上水,而南部反之。Subjectively buy North do not buy the south, the north is believed that there is a larger Sheung Shui, and the southern Instead.

战术契约是由在有限的基础上引入合理的过程,并经常主观地测量结果的期望所推动的。A tactical engagement is driven by a desire to introduce a reasonable process on a limited basis, and often subjectively gauging the results.

损害事实一般只涉及公司和股东的财产损失,而且侵权行为与损害之间有因果关联性,主观上必须要有过错。The facts of damage only involve the loss of the stockholder's property. The act of tort is related to damage and must be faulty subjectively.