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属于或关于词典编纂法的。Of or relating to lexicography or a lexicon.

这本书填补了词典学方面的重大缺门。This book fills a major gap in lexicography.

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教学词典学是词典学的一个重要分支。Teaching lexicography is an important branch of lexicography.

本属于理论词典学研究的范畴。This paper is a study in the field of theoretical lexicography.

语料库在词典编纂中具有强大的优势。It turns out that Corpora have great advantages in lexicography.

他是公认的中国词典编纂者中的领先学者。He is widely recognised as the leading Chinese scholar in lexicography.

现代语言学理论对词典编纂具有指导和借鉴作用。Modem linguistic theories have provided valuable guidance on lexicography.

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现代语言学理论对词典编纂具有指导和借鉴作用。Modern linguistic theories have provided valuable guidance on lexicography.

在现代词典的编纂中,语料库技术越来越受到人们的重视。Corpus has drawn more and more attention in the field of modern lexicography.

词典学是辞书学的一个分支学科,词典学是研究词典编纂的科学。Lexicology, a science on dictionary compilation, is a branch of lexicography.

为了要比较了解辞典学,明白辞典是什麽是有帮助的。In order to better understand lexicography , it may help to know what a lexicon is.

词典使用研究是现代词典学学术研究的一个重要组成部分。Dictionary use research is one of the important components of modern lexicography study.

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义位与义项虽然是两个不同的概念范畴,但在词典编纂中却完全可以统一起来。Although sememe and item are two different conception, they could be unified in the lexicography.

基于语料库的词典编纂技术已经成为现代词典编纂的主流方法。The technology of lexicography based on corpus has been the main method for contemporary lexicography.

这些推崇女权主义的词典编纂者们一次次地拒绝,甚至取笑主流词典编纂学的做法。Again and again these feminist lexicographyers refuse and indeed poke fun at the mainstream lexicography.

但它却与其他学科相关,如形态学、语义学、词源学、文体学和词典学等。But it embraces other academic disciplines, such as morphology, semantics, etymology, stylistics, lexicography.

跨文化语用能力不仅可以体现在词典编纂中,也可以体现在语言教学中。Trans-cultural pragmatic competence can be demonstrated not only in lexicography but also in language teaching.

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然后文章通过大量例证详细阐述了约翰逊的词典编纂原则及实践。Then the thesis studies the Samuel Johnson's principles and practice of the lexicography with detailed examples.

译学词典的编纂原则应当符合翻译学和词典学的双重要求。Translatological dictionaries should be compiled in line with the double requirements of translatology and lexicography.

余人对词典编纂长期和卓越的贡献使这部词典完成在望。Thirty-odd persons' long and distinguished service to lexicography has brought the dictionary within sight of completion.