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上海是中国最大的贸易中心。Located most advantageously in the business centre.

纽约市濒临哈德逊河两岸,地势优越。New York city is advantageously situated on the bank of the Husdon River.

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纽约市濒临哈德逊河两岸,地势优越。New York City is advantageously situated on the banks of the Husdon River.

该材料优选为金属类化合物,并且有利地为氧化铬。The material is preferably a metal based compound advantageously chrome oxide.

Guacolda电站的位置得天独厚,非常靠近其客户。The Guacolda Power Station is advantageously located in Huasco in the proximity of customers.

本发明的组合物有利地呈悬浮液、膏状物、液体和凝胶的形式。The inventive compositions advantageously take the form of suspensions, pastes, liquids and gels.

有利将膨出的脏器回纳腹腔进行修补。Will swollen advantageously the internal organs return accept the abdominal cavity to carry on patching.

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关键在于,要充分运用实时数据,不要把自己埋在无关紧要的资料里。The key is to use real-time data advantageously rather than get swamped in masses of marginal value data.

在其它实施例中,可有利地作出以上所公开的发明的组合或子组合。In other embodiments, combinations or sub-combinations of the above disclosed invention can be advantageously made.

从这三个方面来阐释生存环境是一把双刃剑,有利也有弊。Explains the survival environment from these three aspects is a double-edged sword, advantageously also has the shortcoming.

此外,所述上预测性编码器和下预测性编码器可有利地包括B帧和多重预测运动补偿。Further, the top and bottom predictive coders can advantageously include B-frames and multiple prediction motion compensation.

它位于中国大陆海岸线的中部,长江入海口,地理位置极为优越。Advantageously located, Shanghai is located halfway down China's mainland coastline, where the Yangtze River empties into the sea.

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纸床发芽和盆栽试验表明,可显著提高小麦、玉米苗期的抗旱能力。The experimental results in paper bed and pot show that SAP advantageously increase ability of wheat and corn in combating drought.

在假设条件下的比较分析显示,企业采用第一种副职责任模式有利于实现企业的经营目标。The comparative analysis shows that business goal of an enterprise can be advantageously accomplished by adopting the first pattern.

所以我也能将这些实践经验和专业技能用在中山外语学校的教学工作中。I have been able to use and adapt my practical knowledge and qualifications advantageously here at Zhongshan Foreign Language School.

而广州的家居软装饰品销售也因此享受到了得天独厚的“前店后厂”优势。But after before Guangzhou lives at the soft ornament sale also therefore to enjoy advantageously , the shop, the factory the superiority.

和平与发展仍然是当今世界的主题,国际环境总体上对我国发展有利。Peace and the development were still now the world subject, the international environment develops advantageously as a whole to our country.

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诉求一定要能精确说明公司的营运内容,并且把公司推上有利的位置,否则光是想出有趣、机智的诉求,是无济于事的。Just coming up with something fun and witty is pointless unless it accurately describes what you do and positions your business advantageously.

由于活力的不同,尤其是适应冷环境的蛋白酶,可利用其特点可应用于某些食品的生产。Due to the differences is activity, these enzymes, especially cold-adapted proteases, could be used advantageously for the production of some foods.

竞天公诚的办公地点战略性的分布于北京和上海,使竞天公诚得以便利的参与中国的商事活动。Strategically located in Beijing and Shanghai, Jingtian &Gongcheng is advantageously positioned close to the best of the country's commercial activities.