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雄性和雌性蚊子都对喷洒DEET的区域避而远之。Both male and female mosquitoes stayed away from the DEET areas.

但是,将DEET涂抹在手腕上,预防叮咬的时间仅为12至18秒。However, DEET on a wrist band prevented bites for only 12 to 18 seconds.

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避蚊胺和其他能驱赶昆虫的化学药品也能阻止蚊子的叮咬。DEET and other chemicals that work against insects can keep mosquitoes from biting.

蚊虫叮咬,可阻止含有避蚊胺喷洒化学物质的身体。Mosquito bites can be prevented by spraying the body with a chemical containing DEET.

在衣服及除脸以外暴露在外界的皮肤上喷抹含有DEET的驱虫剂。Spray insect repellent containing DEET on clothes and on exposed skin other than the face.

驱蚊剂含有避蚊胺节制地暴露皮肤时,你是在户外。Apply insect repellent containing DEET sparingly to exposed skin whenever you are outdoors.

天然驱虫剂可以在家里做的,以便有没有刺激性的化学制品或避蚊胺。Natural insect repellents can be made at home so that there are no harsh chemicals or DEET.

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更驱蚊剂DEET的驱蚊载有较长的时间可以保护您不受蚊虫叮咬。The more DEET a repellent contains, the longer time it can protect you from mosquito bites.

研究者还用喷洒和没有喷洒DEET的糖块来测试蚊子。The researchers also tested mosquitoes with "sugar stations" sprayed with and without DEET.

消费者报告推荐人们使用含有避蚊胺的驱蚊药,以有效避免蚊虫叮咬。Consumer Reports recommends repellents with DEET as the active ingredient as a way to avoid mosquito bites.

这是因为会有很多普通蚊子和这些感觉不到避蚊胺的蚊子杂交。That's because there will still be enough regular mosquitoes to crossbreed with those that can't sense DEET.

研究者首次从蚊子触角中鉴定出一个特异的嗅觉神经元,它对DEET很敏感。The researchers first identified a specific smelling neuron from mosquito antennae that was sensitive to DEET.

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如果你决定用驱虫药,消费者报告推荐你使用包含有避蚊胺成分的驱蚊药。If you decide to try insect repellents, Consumer Reports recommends repellents with DEET as the active ingredient.

DEET还可以作为一种溶剂使用,能够溶解某些塑料、弹性纤维、皮革,还能够消除指甲油。DEET works well as a solvent and can dissolve certain plastics, spandex, leather, and works as a nail polish remover.

较高的驱蚊剂DEET的驱蚊并不意味着你的保护更只是它将持续较长时间。A higher percentage of DEET in a repellent does not mean that your protection is better – just that it will last longer.

透皮试验结果表明,海藻酸钙空白微球能延长DEET的释放,减少皮肤渗透。OBJECTIVE Calcium alginate microsphere was prepared to decrease the percutaneous penetration of DEET for sustained release.

把衣服用驱虫剂含有氯菊酯,或驱蚊剂DEET会给予额外的保护,因为蚊虫叮咬,可通过薄衣服。Treating clothes with repellents containing permethrin or DEET will give extra protection, since mosquitoes may bite through thin clothing.

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虽然蜱剂,尤其是将避蚊胺和苄氯菊脂涂抹在皮肤和衣服上,效果尤显,但未被充分利用。Despite the efficiency of tick repellents, particularly with DEET applied to skin and permethrin applied to clothing, they are under-utilized.

DEET不仅会对昆虫的脑部和神经系统起作用,甚至还会使得昆虫窒息而造成神经麻痹直至死亡。DEET also acts on the brains and nervous systems of insects and, in extreme cases, can cause paralysis and eventual death by asphyxiation in the insects.

过去关于驱虫剂的作用原理的理论是DEET阻断了昆虫侦测到人体散发的乳酸气味的能力,而乳酸对蚊子来说就像磁铁一样有吸引力。The old theory of how insect repellents work was that DEET blocks the insect's ability to detect lactic acid from people, which acts as a mosquito magnet.