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请随时暑所有通过你的生命。Please always be prayerful all through your life.

找时间冥想,虔诚地沉思。Thoughtful time to meditate, prayerful reflections

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但是我来认为,大多数印度人民是友好和有信仰的。For me, most of the indian people are poor but nice and prayerful.

会不会伤害了这些热心、耐心、虔诚、善良的人们呢?Will I hurt these warm-hearted, patient, prayerful and kind people?

用含糊的、哽咽的、明朗的、虔诚的、温柔的、宠溺的声音。With mumble, sobbing, cheering , prayerful , tender or doting voice.

此外,一位敬虔祷告的长辈也主动提供他的土地让我们进行农业开发。Besides, one prayerful man also offers his land to us for agriculture.

教会在世界各地所部属的代祷勇士将成为决定性关键。The prayerful deployment of the Church could prove the decisive factor.

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用祷告的心读经才能在祷告中得能力,对我而言这是不可或缺的。Prayerful study of the Bible is indispensable for me to gain power in prayer.

春天有如旌旗鲜明的王师,因长期虔诚的企盼祝祷而美丽起来。Like an elite division with a bright flag, spring beauties up as long prayerful wishes.

请永远是虔诚的所有通过你的生活和祈求真主宽恕我的罪孽。Please always be prayerful all through your life and pray to God to forgive me my sins.

教会领袖亦需要有祷告的支持,以致他们可以有正直的心去追求公义。Church leaders also need prayerful support so that they may pursue justice with integrity.

通过持续的祷告,与传道对象建立个人的交通是赢得灵魂的最好方式。The prayerful reaching of men in personal interviews is thebest of all methods to win souls.

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如果我盼望里面拥有神的心思,我必须天天借着祷告与神相交。I need daily, prayerful fellowship with God if I am to have His thoughts make their home in me.

靠著他的恩典,愿你因顺服而持守下去,并藉著祈祷坚心倚靠他。May you, by His grace, keep on keeping-on through your obedience and prayerful dependence on Him.

求主释放更多的争战策略给每一位以祷告的心阅读这份代祷资讯的人!I pray the Lord will reveal more strategies to all of you as you read this with a prayerful heart !

僧侣们来自世界各地,他们来阿多斯山是想有机会过上一种几乎沉默的祷告生活。Monks apply from all over the world for the opportunity to live a mostly silent, prayerful life on Mt.

图标是注定既反映和唤起虔诚的浓度和与上帝沟通平静。Icons are destined both to reflect and evoke prayerful concentration and serenity in communication with God.

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在恩典�每前进一步,我们必须先领会,然后恳切祷告,才能得到。Every advance step in grace must be preceded by first apprehending it, and then a prayerful resolve to have it.

念珠在印度已有几世纪的历史,它用来帮助虔诚的印度教徒和佛教徒修禅的时候集中注意。They have been used in India for centuries to assist devout Hindus and Buddhists in staying focused during prayerful meditation.

可是我们有时却忘记,那一天更是在祈祷中度过的,人们投入了极大的希望,因此也有巨大的恐惧。What we sometimes forget to imagine is the almost prayerful nature of the day, the profound investment of hope and fear it entailed.