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他的诚意是无容置疑的。His sincerity is undoubted.

沙比尔先生无疑是一位很有本领的外科医生。Mr. Sapir is a surgeon of undoubted ability.

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毫无疑问,它们的出现给我们的生活带来了很多方便。It's undoubted that their appearance have bring much convinent of our life.

我已瘫痪在床数十载,还成了名副其实的哑巴。I have paralysed in bed for about ten years, and become to a undoubted dummy.

因为不能光依靠我的韵律和幻想,所以我选择的地点是毋庸置疑地优美。The spot I selected was of undoubted beauty, for that did not depend on my rhyme or fancy.

古拉克斯,同时,上赛季租借到赫里福德已经展现他的无限的潜力。Gulacsi, meanwhile, showed off his undoubted potential on loan at Hereford United last term.

苏菲·威廉明妮的正统王室血液抵消了利奥波德的私生子出生。Sophie's undoubted royal blood would help to offset the stigma of Leopold's morganatic birth.

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不容置疑的事实是,在主祷文中向上帝祈求的第一件事是让我们天天有面包。The undoubted fact is, the first thing in the Lord's Prayer is letting us have bread every day.

而饱满的深色则无疑让人追忆起古老东方的陶瓷和漆器。And the pottery and porcelain of old east since full brunet undoubted recall letting a person and lacquer.

我并没有关闭卡萨诺加盟尤文的大门,我的意思是说俱乐部应该继续青年军战略。I am not closing the door on Cassano, who has undoubted talent, but I say our club should follow the youth policy.

我国建筑业的经济发展仍以处于粗放式增长的模式,这是一个不争的产业现实。It's an undoubted actuality that the economic growth mode of Chinese construction industry is still at the extensive stage.

第二,目前一些可观察到的在表现上毫无疑问的差异,看上去像早期差异的反转。Secondly, some of the undoubted differences in performance observable at present look like the inverse of earlier differences.

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达利是超现实主义运动中的一员,并且用他的笔画出了最为流行的超现实主义形象,这一点是勿庸置疑的。Dali is a Surrealist movement in one, and with his strokes out of the most popular image of super-realism and this is undoubted.

这些文化名人的投入,无疑对于明代家具风格的成熟,起到一定作用。The investment of these culture celebrity , undoubted the maturity to style of bright generation furniture, have certain effect.

结论单纯应用丙泊酚行无痛胃镜检查作用确实、可控性强、起效快、苏醒快,但必须严格掌握适应证。Conclusion It is undoubted in the effect that dipropofol is applied to painless gastroscopy if the indications are strictly recognized.

无疑我对我珠宝首饰很感兴趣,如果我被派来经营一家珠宝首饰店,我一定会很乐意。It is undoubted that I have remarkable interest in the jewelry. If I was assigned to manage a jewelry store, I would be willingly to do.

显然家庭成员关系的次序划分上,中西文化的差异尽显无疑。The order that apparent family member concerns differentiates on, the difference of culture of Chinese and Western all is shown undoubted.

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有媒体评价称,对于82岁高龄的女王来说,改版个人网站无疑体现出她对高科技的热衷。Media evaluation says, for senile to 82 years old queen, undoubted body reveals correcting individual website she is right of high-tech zealous.

考察所取得的资料清楚地表明,在鄂尔多斯蒙古人中融入了西夏王国遗民已是无疑的历史事实。The material in the survey clearly proves the undoubted historic fact of the fusion of the off springs of the Xixia Kingdom into Ordes Mongolian.

现在的科学研究可能用英语发表的比任何其它语言都更多,而且英语在商业使用方面的卓越是无可置疑的。Now more scientific research is probably published in English than in any other language, and the preeminence of English in commercial use is undoubted.