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作为领导,他必须秉公办事。As a leader, he must handle a matter impartially.

行政执法人员应当秉公执法。Administrative law enforcers shall enforce law impartially.

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判决者必须在双方当事人中做公正的裁决。The adjudicator has to decide impartially between the two parties.

审判人员应当依法秉公办案。Judges shall hanDle cases impartially and in accordance with the law.

只有拍卖师才对所有艺术流派不存偏见,一概推崇。It is only an auctioneer who can equally and impartially admire all schools of Art.

只有拍卖人能公平和无私地赞美每一个艺术流派。It is only an auctioneer who can equally and impartially admire all schools of art.

其二,这就需要国家的执政、行政官员秉公。Second, it requires political and administrative officials to enforce laws impartially.

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法庭的责任就是公正地审查证据,然后裁决被告是否有罪。It is their job to examine the evidence impartially and to determine innocence or guilt.

第四十四条审判人员应当依法秉公办案。Article 44 The adjudicating personnel shall handle the case impartially and according to law.

一个执法公平和以公正方式解决分歧的国家会比较稳定。A nation where laws are implemented fairly and disputes adjudicated impartially is more stable.

第四十四条审判人员应当依法秉公办案。Article 44 The judicial personnel shall handle the case impartially and in accordance with the law.

草原监督检查人员应当忠于职守,秉公执法。Grassland supervisors and inspectors shall be devoted to their duties and enforce laws impartially.

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第四十四条审判人员应当依法秉公办案。Article 44 The judicial officers shall deal with all cases impartially and in accordance with the law.

道在宇宙中公平地运转,人类将会否认自己过分自信,有目的性的行为。As the Tao operates impartially in the universe, so should mankind disavow assertive, purposive action.

还有更多的,书中的规则提供公正的评判角色做事成功与否的判断方法。What's more, the rules in this book provide a common ground to gauge the teres ' es of ess impartially.

秉公执法,切实维护纳税人的合法权益。Impartially enforcing the law and effectively safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of taxpayers.

聆听他的族人们的问题,公平合理是解决那些的争论,是她的义务。His duty is to listen to the problems of his people and to settle impartially and fairly their controversies.

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一群小人物面对上帝,他们很幸运,因此他们可以面对真相,可以被公正的裁决。When a group of nobodies confront God, they are lucky, so they can confront the truth and be judged impartially.

还有更多的,书中的规定供给公平的评审角色作事胜利与否的推断方式。What's more the rules in this book provide a common ground to gauge the characters' chances of success impartially.

有关行政管理人员应当遵纪守法,秉公执法。Relevant administrative personnel shall observe disciplines and abide by laws, and shall enforce the law impartially.