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使用你的幽默。Engage your humor.

我们为何想要加以研究?Why do we engage in it?

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这样我们可以应对中国。Then we could engage China.

参加你喜欢的活动。Engage in activities you like.

不要使离合器绞合了。Engage the automobile's clutch.

我们聘请你当法律顾问。We engage you as a legal adviser.

我们决不搞歪的邪的。We never engage in irregularities.

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你必须参与这些平台。You have to engage these platforms.

全军进攻联合军的部队!All units, engage the Allied Forces!

参加延缓张伞跳伞运动。To engage in the sport of skydiving.

我不愿就这样的条件作担保。I'm unwilling to engage on such terms.

制定十个不如搞惦一个。Better master one than engage with ten.

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精通一门胜于从事十门。B etter master one than engage with ten.

根据这样的条件我不愿答应。I was unwilling to engage on such terms.

拜纳姆已经参加过了全程训练。Bynum has yet to engage in a full practice.

防空炮是首要打击目标。Engage accompanying air-defense guns first.

如果观众没有问题,另一个要观众参与的方法是提前准备几个问题,提问观众。This is another way to engage the audience.

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我们真心实意希望进行磋商。We genuinely want to engage in consultation.

你可以参加南边草坪上的槌球游戏。You can engage in croquet on the south lawn.

我们餐馆决定雇用一名流行歌手。Our resturant decides to engage a pop singer.