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你穿淡紫色总是更好看。Lavender always becomes you.

谁要熏衣草冰淇淋?Who wants lavender ice cream?

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一般家居里能种养薰衣草吗?Can we plant Lavender at home?etc.

玛丽喜欢用薰衣草薰香她的手帕。Mary likes to lavender her handkerchief.

肉豆蔻油,桉叶油,薰衣草油。Nutmeg Oil, Eucalyptus Oil, Lavender Oil.

赛拉喜欢用薰衣草薰香她的手帕。Sarah likes to lavender her handkerchief.

淡紫色系搭配圆点绛红。A tincture of lavender with burgundy dots.

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薰衣草田散布于吕贝隆地区的乡间。Lavender fields dot the Luberon countryside.

她身上还留有我那块薰衣草皂的香甜的味道。She had the sweet scent of my lavender soap.

淡紫色的茶筒里还有些钱。There is still money in the lavender tea tin.

这香水是由紫萝兰和乾薰衣草的花制成的。The perfume was made from violet and lavender.

淡紫色的丁香花的确在灿烂地怒放着!lavender lilacs were indeed in glorious bloom!

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并且会让脚丫有薰衣草的气息。They also will make your feet smell like lavender.

你知道薰衣草的花语是什么吗?。Do you know what the flower language of lavender is?

薰衣草脸部蒸汽护理对容易长痘痘的皮肤有好处吗?Is "lavender facial steam" good for acne-prone skin?

适合调和胡椒薄荷、尤加利、薰衣草。Blends well with eucalyptus, peppermint and lavender.

她曳着一件淡紫色的长袍向他走去。She came toward him, trailing a lavender lounging robe.

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它是轻微有气味的与纯净的淡紫色和柠檬油。It is lightly scented with pure lavender and lemon oils.

薰衣草香味较淡,起到的是宁神的作用。Lavender fragrance, a lighter is rather the role of god.

难怪你身上散发出满好闻的薰衣草香味。No wonder there is a pleasant lavender scent around you.