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我希望你是随便开玩笑的意思。I hope you're lying for the sake of titillation.

那个电视节目只会哗众取宠,没有任何内容可言。That TV show is nothing but titillation . It's got no substance.

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这些勇猛的性探索者尝试这些技术和玩具来作为他们的愉悦。These intrepid sexplorers test-drive techniques and toys to rate their titillation.

“悲剧文学”对文化的破坏可能比一时的文化快感更复杂。The cultural damage wrought by this may be more profound than temporary titillation.

但近来一些女性努力为钢管舞正名,视其为健身运动,以期让挑逗性得到升华。But lately some women have fought to transcend titillation by rebranding it as fitness.

他也有着第一手经验,被人发现的危险更激发了偷看的欲望。He knew first-hand that the risk of discovery always increased the titillation of watching.

两组患儿生命体征都平稳,均未出现呼吸抑制和皮肤瘙痒等不良反应。Life sign was good in all children, and respiratory depression and titillation didn't happen.

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为了保护自己的艺术并为自己的超凡技术感到骄傲,格雷斯不希望他的图像用于纯娱乐。Protective of his art and proud of his technical prowess, Gleis doesn’t want his images used for pure titillation.

普赖斯说,报道完全倒向于莫斯利家族与赤裸裸的“性冲动”。Price said the story had been driven entirely by Mosley's family name and the paper's pursuit of "sexual titillation".

为迎合年轻观众寻求感官刺激的需求,诸多汽车影院和小型剧场将“剥削片”作为其常映剧目。They became regular fare at many drive-ins and small theaters catering especially to young audiences looking for thrills and titillation.

自管,中间空心,创造了泼水你点击你冲下来,有两个领域,增加了瘙痒。Since the tube is hollow in the middle, the splashing water created by your thrusting hits both of your down-there domains, adding to the titillation.

这部书可不仅仅是为了让人们通过词汇来自我提高那么简单,它还要对一则丑闻借题发挥——此书出版不久以前,印度总督沃伦·海斯廷斯正面临一项弹劾程序。This book was trading not only on self improvement through vocabulary, but on the titillation of scandal through the recent impeachment of Warren Hastings the Governor General of Bengal.