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英格伍德的市长想让这里继续空着。Englewood's mayor would like to keep it unoccupied.

这就说明,未布满的5d层在4f层下面。And this is an example where unoccupied 5d lies below 4f.

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你可以通过泰矿扫描来找到未占领的地区。You can find unoccupied fields via Tiberium Vibration Scan.

我的手摸索着,它告诉我,屋里很乱,但没有人。My groping hands told me that although disarranged it was unoccupied.

这所房子因为好几年没有住人而荒废了。The house was unoccupied for several years and went to rack and ruin.

因此,产生了很多没有人住的房子,并且新建的房子不多。So there are a lot of unoccupied houses and not a lot of new houses being built.

经历了数月无人居住的寒冬后,千年古刹即将重新开启。Unoccupied for the wintry months, this thousand-year-old temple is about to reopen.

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上班高峰的时候公交上几乎找不到空座位。It is next to impossible to find an unoccupied seat on the bus during the morning rush.

一名英国军官想找地方栖身,看见一辆义大利卡车,车上似乎没有人。One British officer, looking for shelter, noticed an apparently unoccupied Italian truck.

如果目标周围没有可以占据的格子,你无法使用这个直觉反应动作。If no unoccupied space exists adjacent to the target, you can't use this immediate reaction.

这也就成了修院里所有一切闲得无聊的人苦心探讨的题材。Thus it furnished a subject of comment for all those who were unoccupied or bored in the convent.

门合页应该是可调节的,以便能够在卫生间空闲时将门保持在半开或完全关闭状态。Hinges shall be adjustable to hold doors of unoccupied compartments partially open or fully closed.

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菲特洛克·琼斯被锁在一间没人住的木屋里,等候审判。Fetlock Jones was put under lock and key in an unoccupied log cabin, and left there to await his trial.

在那一大片无人占领的土地上,人们经由过程在地面上做一些标识表记标帜来声明自己对土地的所有权。In that largely unoccupied land, the men staked a claim for themselves by placing makers in the ground.

此外,还使用光电子光谱学来研究其光电特性。Besides, we use ultraviolet photoemission spectroscopy to measure the unoccupied states of the materials.

如果天公不作美,那么尝试找到一个安静的室内环境,例如没进行会议的会议室。If the weather is not cooperating, try finding a quiet place indoors, like an unoccupied conference room.

然而,这块原本属于马和十多位邻居的土地,从此后却一直闲置。The land once occupied by Ma's family and a dozen neighbors, however, has remained unoccupied ever since.

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然而,要想成为领头狼,必须找到一块未被占领的领地和一头能够与之交配的异性狼。However, to do so, it must find an unoccupied territory and a member of the opposite sex with which to mate.

如果客人不在房中,进房程序参照进入无人房间的标准。If the guests in not present in the room, enter room following the standard for entering an unoccupied room.

一方面住房空置无人住,另一方面要住房的人无房住,这是一个尖锐的矛盾现象。While housing vacant unoccupied , on the other hand, people without shelter to shelter, a sharp contradiction.