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皱纹也可以通过眼睑整容术减少。Wrinkles can also be reduced through blepharoplasty.

隆鼻与重睑成形术是面部最常施行的美容手术。Simultaneous rhinoplasty and blepharoplasty are the commonest facial cosmetic operation.

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为改善此缺陷,本文介绍“镰刀形”上睑皮肤部分切除术治疗老年性上眼睑老化的手术方法与要点。The purpose of this study is to introduce a scalpel-shaped excision for senile upper blepharoplasty.

目的探讨皮瓣骨膜悬吊下睑袋切除术的优点、适应症。Objective To explore indication and strongpoint of lower blepharoplasty of suspending flap to periosteum.

目的探讨睑袋成形术导致泪囊功能不全的原因和治疗方法。Objective To study the causes and treatment of the lacrimal sac insufficiency after lower lid blepharoplasty.

结论眼睑恶性肿瘤经组织学控制性切除所造成的眼睑缺损,通过成形或再造手术,效果良好。Conclusions Blepharoplasty and are satisfied therapy methods after Mohe's micrographic surgery of eyelid malignant tumor.

目的探讨矫正睑袋整复术后并发的下睑退缩的理想方法。Objective To investigate the ideal methods for correction of lower eyelid retraction following lower eyelid blepharoplasty.

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目的探讨应用联合下睑袋整形的三维立体颞部除皱术以达到面中部年轻化的整体效果。Objective To explore the clinical effect of combination of blepharoplasty with rhytidectomy for correction of the aging mid-face.

皱纹、鱼尾纹、乌眼圈、眼周单调及眼袋战眼皮浮肿的症状。其性量和顺,相宜。Wrinkles, crow's-feet, black eye, eye week dry and blepharoplasty and eyelid dropsy symptoms. Its nature is gentle, suitable for.

目的了解重睑与隆鼻术一期与分期成形手术效果以及术区肿胀时间的差异。Objective To compare the duration of edema and the effect of one-stage and two-stage augmentation rhinoplasty and oriental blepharoplasty.

方法羟基磷灰石义眼台植入同期行中厚皮片游离移植结膜囊成形术联合睑缘粘连性缝合术。Method Conjunctival sac blepharoplasty by skin transplanting and blepharorrhaphy were performed in the same period of HA orbital implantation.

目的介绍下睑袋整形术的一种新方法和预防术后下睑外翻的有效措施。Objective To create a new method for lower lid blepharoplasty in order to prevent the complication of lower lid ectropion after the operation.

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目的明确睑成形术后继发上睑下垂的病因,正确选择修复方法。Objective To analyze the reasons of the blepharoptosis caused after blepharoplasty in order to search the proper method to correct the problem.

老的象征。轻中度眼袋会影响人的容貌和自信心,重度眼袋因下睑臃肿,向外突。Old symbol. Mild to moderate pouch will affect the person's appearance and self-confidence, severe lower eyelid blepharoplasty with bloated, outward.

亚洲女性很流行一种叫割双眼皮的手术,她们希望眼皮变成双层,使眼睛看起来更大。A surgery known as blepharoplasty has become popular with Asian women, as they attempt to create a double foldin their eyelids, making the eyes appear rounder.

尤其是合并有上眼眶部外侧肥厚沈重的症状,更可经由这个附加的步骤来去除多馀的脂肪层而达到更理想的效果。Excision of brow fat pad is an extremely valuable adjunct to blepharoplasty surgery in some patient with heaviness and bulkiness in the lateral upper orbital region.

目的研究眶肌筋膜韧带提紧的眼袋整形方法及其下眼睑外翻的分类和预防。Objective To study lower eyelid blepharoplasty using fascia ligament of musculi orbicularis oculi sling and prevention of lower eyelid ectropion and its classification.

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目的探讨术中提上睑肌肌力的测定在睑成形术后上睑下垂矫正术中的重要性。Objective To evaluate the importance of levator force measurement in the surgery to the selected techniques for treating the acquired blepharoptosis after blepharoplasty.

目的观察不同的术式对不同成因的睑袋的整复效果,为睑袋的整复积累临床经验。Objective To observe the clinical effect of different types of blepharoplasty technique on baggy deformities of lower eyelid, for accumulating clinical experience in blepharoplasty.

对于有著明显上眼眶部外突或是眉部下垂的病患,我们可以在上眼睑成形术中经由切除外侧眉部下脂肪层而得到改善。In patients seeking upper eyelid blepharoplasty who also have ptosis of the eyebrows, the lateral brow fat pad can be contoured to help in highlighting the lateral aspect of the superior orbital rim.