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我的上帝!我听到了她的声音!Mon Dieu , I hear her!

他下周一要和我见面。He will meet me next Mon.

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这是一个开创性的时刻,周一。It's a seminal moment, mon.

我的上帝!我又不得安静了。Mon Dieu ! My peace of mind is gone.

“你为什么哭呀?”他问他妈妈。"Why are you crying?"he asked his Mon.

那真象一个小小的共和国。Mon Dieu! it is like a little republic.

你妈和我在网吧相遇而认识。Mon and Dad met each other in a cybercafe.

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巴西下周一将对阵澳大利亚。Brazil will be taking on Australia next Mon.

点错了接受人非常普遍。Clicking on the wrong person is extremely mon.

只是从现在起,克里斯蒂将再也见不到妈妈了。Only now, Kristen will never, ever have a mon again.

但是和妈妈聊起这个话题的时候,特别地感谢妈妈。When I talked this to Mon, I especially thanks to Mon.

贝尔·伊布利斯对蒙·莫思玛的权力和影响力很警觉。Bel Iblis was wary of Mon Mothma's power and influence.

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莽瑞体在孟人的主要佛塔上加建了新的塔顶。Tabinshwehti placed new spires on the chief Mon pagodas.

我真希望我可以在这里,但是我已经计划出去转转了。Mon . I wish I could, but I've made plans to walk around.

利查尔要求释放所有蒙卡拉公民。Lee-Char demands the freedom of all of Mon Cala's citizens.

月6日星期一做客本菲卡的赛季前热身赛敲定。Mon June 6th A pre-season friendly at Benfica is confirmed.

凯博·伦被蒙·朱帕的部队逮捕,但他发誓会卷土重来。He was captured by Mon Julpa's forces, and Ren swore revenge.

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我想肯定是很性感的内裤。你倒算幸运的了,莫。I guess they must be very hot ones. You are kind of lucky, Mon.

就这样,孙良救了很多动物,但是他没省下一个钱,因此一直很穷。In this way, he saved many animals, but he didn't save any mon.

蒙克莱梅利人常被称为是反抗军联盟的灵魂人物。The Mon Calamari are said to be the soul of the Rebel Alliance.