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埃兹拉是位令人难以招架的孩子。Ezra was a very difficult baby.

以斯拉称颂耶和华至大的神。And Ezra blessed the LORD, the great God.

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艾兹拉·庞德是叶芝的年轻朋友。Pound Ezra Pound is Yeats's younger friend.

这回轮到我来点破埃兹拉·吉宁士了。It was my turn, now, to enlighten Ezra Jennings.

以斯拉做的比写的多。Ezra did more than just write out the Bible though.

1885年,诗人以期拉庞德出生在爱达荷州。In 1885 , poet ezra pound was born in hailey , idaho.

一是定志考究遵行耶和华的律法。First Ezra prepared his heart to seek the Law of Yahweh.

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但是让她感触颇深的是男人的行为。But what really gets to Ben Ezra is the behaviour of men.

庞德和许渊冲则是其中的代表人物。Ezra Pound and Xu Yuanzhong are representatives among them.

比如,我们可以看庞德的一系列照片。Let's look, for example, at a series of photos of Ezra Pound.

用埃拉。庞德的话讲写作的艺术在于简洁。The whole art of writing was, in the words of Ezra Pound, concision.

文士以斯拉站在为这事特备的木台上。Ezra the scribe stood on a high wooden platform built for the occasion.

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阿伯克龙比1907年辞职离开了以斯拉惠誉手中的商店。Abercrombie resigned in 1907 leaving the store in the hands of Ezra Fitch.

想想从圣伊丽莎白医院里的庞德,过渡到她的距离有多远。Think of how far away this is from Ezra Pound in St. Elizabeth's Hospital.

以色列内阁部长埃兹拉说,以色列应当停止往加沙地带提供燃料。Cabinet Minister Gideon Ezra said Israel should cut off fuel supplies to Gaza.

和尼希米一样,他们都是神委派为他的子民带来改变的代理人。Ezra and Malachi . Like Nehemiah, they were agents of change for God's people.

这节经文也告诉我们以斯拉是如何成为律法专家的。There is more to this. The passage also tells us how Ezra got to where he was.

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当尼希米和以斯拉向大家解释之后,所有人都很高兴。When Nehemiah and Ezra were able to explain this to the people they rejoiced !

阅读第9章和第10章让我们对以斯拉的品德有了更好的洞察。In chapter 9 and 10 we have a very wonderful insight into the character of Ezra.

饰演后者的埃兹拉?米勒爆发出了残忍,他的面部表情不可测知。As the latter Kevin, Ezra Miller seethes with ruthlessness, his face impenetrable.