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但这样的守势不会持续太久。But this deference may not last.

他一边向后退,一边鞠着躬,真是一种讽刺的谦恭。He bowed in sarcastic deference.

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他毕恭毕敬地拣起一张卡片。He picked up a card with deference.

因此,顺从的年代依然没有结束。So the age of deference is not quite dead.

你正在学习真正的顺从和尊重。You are learning true obedience and deference.

顾念着它们的脆弱,我们的花园开始以它们为中心展开。In deference to their fragility, we now garden around them.

国家在全球史上举足轻重。请各抒己见。The State made all the deference in global history. Discuss.

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为了表达对古人的敬意,我把这种方法命名为“奥西里斯计划”。In deference to the ancients, I called this the "Osiris Plan."?

教育孩子们对父母师长要尊敬。Children are taught to treat their parents and teachers with deference?

他扣上上衣的扣子,彬彬有礼地走上一步。He buttoned up his jacket and moved forward with ceremonious deference.

两年后,他却臣服于中国,同意逐步减少对台军售。Two years later, in deference to China, he agreed to rein in such sales.

在军事礼节的符号中,沉默和固定是顺从的表示。In the code of military etiquette silence and fixity are forms of deference.

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不像平常那样有恃无恐的样子,盖恩斯与这个人交谈时带有尊重的态度。Instead of his usual bravado he talks to this unknown person with deference.

奏国歌时我们总是站立着,以此表示对女王的敬意。We always stand when the National Anthem is played in deference to the Queen.

谄媚的画笔迁就狭窄的画布而削减了真实。The obsequious brush curtails truth in deference to the canvas which is narrow.

为了保护诉称受到伤害的人的隐私,我们只公布了被告人的姓名。In deference to protecting we alleged victims' privacy, we name only defendants.

服务员和接待员在他面前毕恭毕敬,连警察也会敬他三分。Waiters and receptionists grovel before him. The police treat him with deference.

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服务生和接待员们在他面前卑躬屈膝,警察对他区别对待。Waiters and receptionists grovel before him. The police treat him with deference.

当妇女在从事公关工作时,她们得到的基本尊重比男士少。When women are at work in public-contact jobs, they receive less basic deference than man.

当妇女在从事公共联系工作时,他们得到了相比男人而言要少的基本的尊重。When women are at work in public-contact jobs, they receive less basic deference than men.