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别在我的窗口东晃西晃。Don't stroll by my window.

斯卡夫夙昔一再漫步。Scarf used to take a stroll.

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我把狗带进来遛一遛。Iwill take the dog out for a stroll.

今日酒后我要出巡。Today I'm going for a drunken stroll.

随手招一个出来陪你逛。To move one to accompany you to stroll.

天太热,连慢慢散步都吃不消。It was too hot even for a gentle stroll.

我过去常在星期天沿海滩散步。I used to stroll along the beach on Sundays.

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如风中之叶,小心翼翼的,漫行。Like a leaf in the wind I cautiously stroll.

我们准备到村里遛遛。We are ready to take a stroll in the village.

没逛多久便看中一件碎花夹袄。How long did they fancy a stroll Floral Jiaao.

我每天一大早进来闲步。I take a stroll in the early morning every day.

因此,按照莫兰说的那样,“注意晨练多走走,或者饭后出门散心。So “go for a morning walk or a lunchtime stroll.

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大教堂的乌菲齐和奇迹是几步之遥。Wonders of the Uffizi and Duomo are a stroll away.

你想沿著纤路散一会儿步吗?Would you like a little stroll along the towpath ?

星期日的傍晚,人人都沿着大街遛达。On Sunday evening people stroll along the boulevard.

我颇喜欢在乡间独自徜徉。I am rather fond of a solitary stroll in the country.

织,仕女打着伞儿漫步雨中。Knit, the women beat the umbrella son stroll rain in.

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织,仕女打着伞儿漫步雨中。Knit, the women blow the umbrella son stroll rain in.

然后他们漫步走出店外,内心感动,钱包未动。Then they stroll back out, hearts touched, wallets not.

那里是个午后散步的好地方。You know, it's a lovely place to stroll on an afternoon.