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“租书潮”风靡伯克利Rent-a-book concept arrives at UC Berkeley

瑞星,我们忽悠您的数字世界。Rising, we are f uc king your digital world.

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加州大学圣芭芭拉分校和犹他大学随后加入。UC Santa Barbara and University of Utah later join.

我是保建昆老师。来自新浪UC-官方大厅-外语天地-博哈英语课堂。I'm Mr. bao , from Sina UC both happy English classRoom.

C戴维斯,我有一个朋友在那里上学,她很喜欢。UC Davis, I have a friend who goes there, and she likes it.

UC是新浪推出的一款大众化的信息交流工具。UC is a popular means of communication produced by Sina. com.

惠普将转销NET的统一通信网关作为支持微软统一通信的一个途径。HP will resell NET's UC gateway as a way to support Microsoft UC.

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徐晓熙以经济和社会学专业毕业于美国伯克利加州大学。Evan graduated from UC Berkeley with Economics and Sociology majors.

现在,圣地亚哥,圣迭哥的患者有了新的选择,叫做微波消融。Now, patients at UC San Diego have a new option called 'microwave ablation.

DR基因多态性与UC的临床分型密切相关。HLA-DR allele polymorphism is associated with clinical classification of UC.

扎克瑞?斯洛比格获得了伯克利加州大学新闻学院的硕士学位。Zachary Slobig is a graduate of UC Berkeley's Graduate School of Journalism.

据该校发言人称,已有40余名学生因抗议被逮捕。UC Berkeley spokesman said more than 40 students had been arrested in the protest.

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导师王长洪教授诊治UC具有丰富的临床经验。Professor Wang Changhong achieved a great deal of experience in the treatment of UC.

溃疡性结肠炎的症状包括腹痛,腹泻,直肠出血,体重减轻和发热。Symptoms of UC include abdominal pain, diarrhea, rectal bleeding, weight loss and fever.

临床表现为腹泻、粘液脓血便、腹痛。Diarrhea, purulent stools and abdominal pain and so on are clinical manifestations of UC.

加州大学各个分校产生的诺贝尔奖得主的总数超过了其它任何学校。The UC campuses have collectively produced more Nobel laureates than any other university.

东北大学轧制技术及连轧自动化国家重点实验室的一台UC轧机的AGC系统中实际应用了该控制方法。This method had been applied in the AGC system of the UC mill of the State Key Lab of NEU.

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1980年,加州大学河滨分校公布了第一个专利柑橘品种,白金葡萄柚。In 1980, UC Riverside released the Oroblanco grapefruit, its first patented citrus variety.

因此将盐酸小檗碱应用于UC有望为UC的治疗开辟一个全新的领域。It will provide a new field for the therapy of UC to use berberine chloride in UC patients.

目前UC的治疗以抗炎和调节免疫反应为主。At present it mainly contains anti-inflammatory and immune regulation in the treatment of UC.