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XXXXX占位符是散列值。The XXXXX placeholder is a hash code.

有首字下沉的那本书出现了。The book with the placeholder text shows up.

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代码只是为占位符提供数据。Code simply provides data for the placeholder.

占位符链接就是与开始时未定义目标的链接。A placeholder link is a link with an initially undefined target.

首先要定义一个名为counter的,变量。So declare as we'll say a variable, a placeholder called counter.

占位符类型用一个字符串直接替换另一个字符串。The ! form of placeholder substitutes one string directly with another.

轮机英语中没有使用表达完全模糊概念的占位词。There is no placeholder word in MEE, which expresses totally vague meaning.

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星号是一个占位符,用于在以后支持更细粒度的探测点。The asterisk is a placeholder for supporting finer probe points in the future.

这种链接被用作占位符,说明此处的内容将要被编写为文档。The link serves as a placeholder to show that there is something there to be documented.

一个空的函数,它作为实际执行所需工作的代码的占位代码。An empty function as a placeholder for the code that will actually perform the desired work.

作为部分的再包装以便使我们需要一个新的标志,当前的人只不过是一种占位符。As part of the re-branding we will need a new logo, the current one is simply a placeholder.

初始的私有测试数据池是一个占位符,并且直到您给它增加新数据前都是空的。The initial private test datapool is a placeholder and is empty until you add new data to it.

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分配占位符纹理地图到散开和爆沸物质槽孔为每一个您的模型。Assign placeholder texture maps to the diffuse and bump material slots for each of your models.

如果尚未创建自定义文件,请设置占位符名称,待知道最终的名称后更改。If the custom file has not been created yet, set a placeholder name until the final name is known.

我会使用一个基本主题,而文本信息将完全是占位符复制。I’ll be running with a basic theme, but the textual information will be entirely placeholder copy.

分配内容模板占位或一份名单。可用于关联数组和标。Assigns content to a template placeholder or a list. Can be used on associative arrays and scalars.

该栏目的预留页面可以点击这里,不过可能要过个把月才能正式启用。The placeholder Lessons Learned page can be found here, but it may not be active for a month or so.

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这其中还有一个逗号分开的有值的占位符,我把它放到了引号之后。And that's really a placeholder for the comma-separated list of values that I put after those quotes.

它用作一个占位符,即在需要一个语句,但是程序逻辑不需要操作时使用。It's used as a placeholder when a statement is required, but the program logic doesn't require an action.

解决方案是创建一个拥有几乎不可见的左侧框架和一个占位符右侧框架的框架集。The solution is to create a frameset that has an almost invisible left frame and a placeholder right frame.