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我当然看好她。Of course Ido.

太太。我能为您做些什么?。Madam. What can Ido for you?

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我喜欢跳舞,我真的喜欢跳舞。I love dance, Ido love dance.

我同意,我只对我弟弟才这样做!I agree. Ido that to my brother!

我的归并,并不代里我不恨你。I quit does not mean Ido not love you.

把这个送回日本我需要做些啥子?。What should Ido to send this to Japan?

只有用那种方式我才能做好此工作。Only by this means can Ido this work well.

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一种以世界语和伊多语为基础的人工语。An artificial language based on esperanto and ido.

我来做夜床,你看是目前做还是等会儿做?。I come and make the bed. Shall Ido it now or later?

如果有重叠我就如下做出分离。If there are overlapping meshes Ido this separately.

不知道善于观察的李彼得是否相信了我。Ido not know whether perceptive Peter Lee believed me.

我们都是虫子,但我相信我是一只萤火虫。We are all worms, but Ido believe that I am glow-worm.

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我是基督徒,所以不想扁你。Ido not want to kick your butt, because I'm a Christian.

如果她没有来委内瑞拉,可能去了秘鲁。Si ella no hubiera venido a Venezuela, habría ido a Perú.

我对他画上这个血十字,记下我的要求。I mark this cross of blood upon him, as a sign that Ido it.

无论产生什么事,我都会像当初一样爱你,直到永远。Whatever comes, I'll love you, just as Ido now. Until Idie.

我前几天没在家,去了济宁、济南。I más reciente varios días no en hogar. Ha ido a Jining, Jinan.

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因此,我不相信那些依靠数数来评估口吃严重程度的方法。So Ido not trust counting measures on how to evaluate severity.

我每两周洗一次毛巾和床单被罩,这算是额外的工作量吧。Ido the towels and sheets once every two weeks, in an extra load.

罘管沵爱与罘爱都是历史的尘埃。No matter you love with the Ido brand are not the historical dust.