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要改变弹药筒么?A change of cartridge?

两支替换笔芯。Two refills for a cartridge pen.

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用来将针头安装在胶筒上的转接头。Adapters to fit needle to cartridge.

从包装袋中取出打印碳粉盒。Remove the print cartridge from the bag.

超大的钉仓容积,能容纳更多的组织。Extralarrge cartridge volume for more tissue.

储存选用的列印墨匣与护套。Store the optional print cartridge and protector.

他开了一枪,然后倒出了用过的弹夹。He fired a shot, then ejected the spent cartridge.

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您将继续使用我们的再生硒鼓吗?。Would you like to use our recycled cartridge again?

在盒式磁盘中检测到未格式化的区域。An unformatted region was detected on the cartridge.

把手可折叠,内部可存放一只2207气罐。Folding handles, room for one 2207 LP gas cartridge.

盖门关闭后,硒鼓将锁定就位。The toner cartridge engages when the door is closed.

我厂生产的插装阀性能可靠。I plant the cartridge valve and reliable performance.

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另一个负面影响就是弹壳变得稍微丰满了一点。Another is that the cartridge cases are slightly fatter.

红灯在闪烁,表示油墨盒没油墨了。That winking red light means the ink cartridge is empty.

胶卷盒只能在完全黑暗的环境中打开。A film cartridge can only be opened in complete darkness.

取下打印碳粉盒上的装运锁,撕下胶带。Remove the shipping locks and tape from the print cartridge.

盒外壳基本上封闭硬驱动器。The cartridge housing substantially encloses the hard drive.

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在海量存储系统中,把数据从数据盒带传送到登台驱动器。In MSS, to move data from a data cartridge to a staging drive.

疣体较大者,可用涂药包渣,第二天除去再上药。Large warts, can be coated cartridge slag, second days removed.

磁带盒中还可以包括磁带导引器和磁带销。Tape guides and pins may also be included in the tape cartridge.