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不可能.Not possible.

不可能吗?Not possible?

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这是可能的This is possible.

一种可能的万能药?A possible panacea?

这是可能的。It's always possible.

你的可能是什么呢?What is possible for you?

我以为这不可能。I don't think it possible.

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为什么这个论调是可能的?Why did that seem possible?

这真是不可能,屋大维?。It's not possible. Octavian?

如果可能的话,使用洗手液。Use liquid soap if possible.

远至亚里士多德的年代?Do you think that's possible?

在体育考试中,我尽力了。I possible in the P. E. test.

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可能的审计类型列表。List of possible audit types.

这在以前是不可能的。That was not possible before.

不过我们能不能,这也有可能Could we--And that's possible.

意识是怎么一回事How is consciousness possible?

其他显示方式也是可能的。Other renderings are possible.

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如果可能的话,定为明晚7点。And for 7 o’clock, if possible.

让我们来看看这可不可能。Let’s see how this is possible.

像这样,尽可能围成一个圆圈。Like this. As much as possible.