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和你的男子气挥手告别。Waving bye-bye to your manhood.

弗洛拉曼胡德把发麻的双臂交换了一下位置。Flora manhood had to shift her dead arm.

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十八岁的男孩子已接近成年。A boy of eighteen is approaching manhood.

弗洛拉·曼胡德从未介入过任何秘密勾当。Flora Manhood had never taken part in a mystery.

这就是为什么他要用“长劲”来证明他的男子气概。The penile power was a way to prove his manhood.

这告诉了我们暴力与男儿气概之间存在何种关系?About the relationship between violence and manhood?

如果我们粗暴草率地对待你那“男儿身”,你会怎么想?How would you like it if we were rough on your manhood?

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怎样才是一个神所喜悦的好男人、好父亲、好丈夫?What is the Godly Manhood and Fatherhood and Husband-hood?

当他沉溺于我的身体,就会用男人的本性来行事。When a man lusts over my body, he thinks with his manhood.

两件最近发生的事令我决心要动笔写写今日之下的男子气慨。Two recent events prompted me to write about manhood today.

我家乡的半身人拿着铅板证明自己已经成年。Halflings of my village carry lead sheets to prove our manhood.

他们的首领要他们奋勇作战,以此显示男子汉气概。Their leader tell them to prove their manhood by fighting well.

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在苏比克湾海军基地。一个年轻的男孩即将步入成年。The subic bay naval station. A young boy on the cusp of manhood.

男子气概,简单如此,复杂如斯。Manhood is changing. It’s as simple, and as complicated, as that.

从少年时期向成年时期的转变常是令人困惑的时期。The transition from boyhood to manhood can be a confusing period.

弗洛拉?曼胡德按捺住欣赏自己身体的诱惑。Flora Manhood resisted the temptation to contemplate her own body.

似乎这些年轻小伙子们对男子汉气概有歪曲的理解。It’s as if these young men have developed a warped idea of manhood.

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困窘和敌对是刚毅和自立更生的天然土壤。Hardship and opposition are the native soil of manhood and self-reliance.

年复一年,他在塞勒姆平静而单调的渡过青年时代。Year after year of his young manhood went by quietly and drably in Salem.

但是,看着自己的性器官,这让我接受自己是个“男人”更容易了。But seeing my genitals made it easier to accept the reality of my manhood.