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这是一张唱片吗?Is this a disc?

这是一张唱片。This is a disc.

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我复姓太叔,单名一个公字。I am alone , like a disc.

首先,启动与光盘。First, boot with the disc.

我怎样才能换碟?How can I change the disc?

它看起来像一个巨大的圆盘。It looked like a huge disc.

试着在硬盘上阅读,最好。Try reading a book on disc.

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装入新的或磨好的盘片。Fit the new or sharpened disc.

椎间盘突出咋样治疗最好。Zeyang disc treatment is best.

唱片师又放上一碟经典。DJ is putting on his usual disc.

给我放些派特·赛门最近灌制的唱片。Play me Pat Simon's latest disc.

最新最快最全的凯奇电影碟报!Latest Disc News of Nicky's Movies!

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飞碟,重要信息。Flying Disc. information concerning.

最常见的一种病因是椎间盘突出。One common cause is a herniated disc.

阀体,阀盖,连接法兰,阀瓣。Body, bonnet, connection flange, disc.

和文件有一个活页夹和一个光盘。And Files have one binder and one disc.

水声,轻声细语,风声,拉练。Disc 28 Water, Whistles, Wind, Zippers.

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圆盘科具有较好的实用性。Disc weigher is a well-Pratical device.

研磨、砂轮,切割片。Grinding, grinding wheel, cutting disc.

检查橡胶阀瓣是否有污垢或堆积物。Inspect rubber disc for dirt or debris.