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多年来十月份从来没下过这么多雨。It was the wettest October in many years.

刚过去的这个夏季是50年来记录中雨水最多的.Last summer was the wettest on record for 50 years.

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通常情况下,双脚带来了心肠和最潮湿的激情可能出现的感觉。Usually, feet bring off hyperborean and a wettest passion may appear as felt.

星期五是此地区下了多达一英尺的雨,是当地历史上最潮湿的一天。Friday was the wettest day in history there when more thana foot of rain fell.

但我们知道,高蒂和我知道,我的泪水是世界上最大、最伤心的泪水。But we knew, Goldie and I knew They were the biggest, wettest tears in the world.

与我们的邻居相比——火星、金星、干燥多尘的月球——我们是最多水的。Compared to our neighbors — Mars, Venus, the dust-dry Moon — we look the wettest.

1903年6月13日降临的一场暴雨造成英国有记录以来降雨最多的一个月。On 13 June 1903 came a storm that produced the wettest month ever recorded in the UK.

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作为夏威夷群岛第四大的岛屿,考艾岛是地球上最为潮湿的地区之一。The fourth largest of the Hawaiian Islands, Kauai is one of the wettest spots on earth.

在南美洲东南部,11月份出现30年来最潮湿的天气,使数以千计人流离失所。In southeastern South America, the wettest November in 30 years displaced thousands of people.

他们给了我针织衫和防水夹克,能让我在最潮湿的日子里保持干燥。They gave me a cableknit sweater and an oilskin jacket, which kept me dry on the wettest days.

云层笼罩,瀑布环绕这,切拉朋吉是地球上最湿的地方之一。Shrouded in clouds and surrounded by waterfalls, Cherrapunji is one of the wettest places on Earth.

整个八月共录得雨量达829.0毫米,是同期第四最高纪录。A total of 829.0 millimetres of rainfall was recorded, making this August the fourth- wettest on record.

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这过去的几个月曾是岛屿最多雨的时节,甚至导致了洪水和大坝的倒塌!This past few months have been the wettest in the islands ever, even causing flooding and dams to break!

九月是最潮湿的月份,从十月到来年五月之间气温降到15摄氏度左右,较凉爽。September is the wettest month, while from October to May the temperatures are cooler and can drop to 15C.

即使是卡尔到来之前,墨西哥南部也是湿季。Even before Karl approached, southern Mexico was already contending with one of its wettest seasons on record.

德国却经理了1901年以来嘴干燥的四月和最潮湿的五月。Germany swung from its driest April since country-wide observations started in 1901 to its wettest May on record.

随着超过120英寸的的大量降雨,每年希洛不只是有着潮湿称誉的城市在美国,而且还是一个虚拟的温室。With over 120 inches of rainfall per year, Hilo is not only the wettest city in America, but a virtual greenhouse.

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加之,尽管各地的降雨和降雪范围变得更加广泛,但2010年仍是有记录以来全球最潮湿的一年。In addition, the year was the wettest on record globally, although rain and snowfall varied widely from place to place.

以下精选了一些湿透了的并且看起来最可怜的小猫图片,这些大部分看上去凄惨的小猫正在忍受着被洗澡的折磨。Here’s a nice selection of some of the wettest and most pathetic looking kitties undergoing the torture of being bathed.

经过多年的雨量稀缺,一场持续的暴风雪使得过去的这个季节成为近期记忆中最潮湿的一个。After years of very little rain, a relentless series of storms had made this past season one of the wettest in recent memory.