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没有肺泡腔渗出物。Note that there is no alveolar exudate.

各组均有牙槽骨吸收。All groups had alveolar bone resorption.

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它的生物学效应主要是对牙槽骨的破坏。Its primary biological function is to destroy alveolar bone.

是鼻韵母。n是舌尖鼻音韵尾,也叫前鼻音韵尾。N is an alveolar nasal consonant or a front nasal consonant.

今天我学到了什么是聚碳酸酯板。Today I learned what an alveolar poly-carbonate window-frame is.

或者把舌头放在上颚,上排门牙的后面。or place tongue on alveolar ridge, the area behind your top teeth.

目的使用影像学手段分析种植义齿颈部牙槽骨丧失情况。Objective To analyze peri-implant alveolar bone loss with radiography.

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目的探讨牙槽骨骨量不足情况下的种植方法。Objective To discuss the method of implant for alveolar bone deficiency.

目的研究牙槽骨高度对旋转移动的影响。Objective To study the effect of alveolar bone height to tooth rotation.

很多细支气管肺泡癌病例FDG-PET检查可呈现假阴性。Bronchial alveolar carcinomas lead to many false negative cases in FDG-PET.

牙齿是嵌入在上颌骨和下颌骨的牙槽突。The teeth are embedded in the alveolar process of the maxilla and mandible.

目的研究牙槽骨高度对垂直移动的影响。Objective To study the effects of alveolar bone height on vertical movement.

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目的评价对两种下牙槽神经阻滞麻醉方法。Objective To evaluate two methods of inferior alveolar nerve block anesthesia.

S音通常是将舌头抵在牙后的凹槽内发音。is normally pronounced with the tongue at the alveolar ridge behind the teeth.

本文报告22例肝泡状棘球蚴病的声像图表现。Sonographic features of 22 cases with liver alveolar hydatidosis were reported.

采用预制钛桩即刻行根管内加齿槽骨贯穿固定将断牙固定于原位。The titanium dowels were put into the teeth canal fixed through alveolar teeth.

肺泡巨噬细胞特别富含各种蛋白质水解酶。The alveolar macrophage is particularly rich in the variety of proteolytic enzymes.

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究其原因,可能为肺泡慢性通气不足或气道分泌物阻塞。It is commonly caused by chronic alveolar hypoventilation or air way mucus plugging.

全口曲面断层片未见齿槽骨及牙根吸收。No alveolar bone or tooth absorption were found in all subjects in X-ray examination.

为此,需要开发新型的牵引器,以满足对牵引有特殊要求的牙槽突。It is necessary to develop new distractor to meet the special requirement of alveolar.