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落后地区乡巴佬的时代已成过去。The era of the backwoods rube is gone.

收集的鱼类食谱,从落后的约束。Collection of fish recipes from Backwoods Bound.

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我们花了两个小时穿过森林。It took us two hours to airing through the backwoods.

边远林区的人和沼泽地带的居民既无马也没有骡子。The backwoods folks and the swamp dwellers owned neither horses nor mules.

现在就去深林中搜寻,在布鲁诺森林大逃亡中获得350分。Search deep in the woods for a score of 350 on Bruno's Backwoods Breakaway.

我在金矿采掘区或偏僻的森林地带,要比在这儿好得多。I shall be better in the diggings or the backwoods than ever I could be here.

在路的尽头有一个边远地区的家庭,他们也说他们会像小女孩一样尖叫。There's a backwoods family down the road that says they can squeal like a girl, too.

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在工作的第一天,真空吸尘器的推销员被派到一个非常落后的地区。ON HIS FIRST day on the job , a vacuum cleaner salesman was assigned to a backwoods area.

我想要知道,这种殉道者的风潮对于来自偏远的中国的某个人,会有怎样的影响。I wonder what effect this flood of representations of martyrs must have on someone who comes from backwoods China.

让我告诉你一个小姑娘的故事,她出生在田纳西州边远地区一个贫穷家庭的小木屋里。Let me tell you about a little girl who was born into a very poor family in a shack in the Backwoods of Tennessee.

不过这种联合就像一个去耶鲁和牛津的人,却在阿肯色州的荒地上由寡妇带大。This was, after all, a man who went to Yale and Oxford but who grew up the child of a widow in the backwoods of Arkansas.

生于1767科罗来纳的巴克伍兹,他13岁时加入革命军成为信使。Born in 1767 in the backwoods of the Carolinas, he joined up with the Revolutionary army as a thirteen-year-old, serving as a courier.

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从于政治对手的目的倒钩丰富多彩高大聪明的故事,林肯在土布衣服一个精明机智,巴克伍兹白话。From colorful tall tales to clever barbs aimed at political opponents, Lincoln clothed a shrewd wit in a homespun, backwoods vernacular.

他牙齿有点褐色,来自早期林区的疏忽,但你是决不会提及的,以至他张开大嘴对戏谑狂笑。His teeth were a little brown, from early backwoods neglect, but you never noticed that and he opened his mouth wide to guffaw at jokes.

他看上去像是从乡下来的一个亲戚,思想狂热而狭隘,毫无疑问,我们得到的印象就是奥列芬特支持加拿大的这一决定。He looks like a backwoods relative, fanatical and narrow-minded. We are left in no doubt that Oliphant approves of the developments in Canada.

他教她怎样装鱼线,怎样在浅滩捉大嘴鲈鱼,并带她探索克罗滩森林的深处。He taught her how to bait a line and fish the shallows for largemouth bass and took her exploring through the backwoods of the Croatan Forest.

在美国,巫术传说的确常有所闻,但大多发生在穷乡僻壤和特殊的群体里。It is true that legends of witchcraft are not uncommon in the United States, but these, too, linger mostly in the backwoods and among special groups.

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出生于卡罗莱纳偏远地区一个以耕作为生的爱尔兰移民家庭,杰克逊年少时参加了独立战争,曾被英军抓获并投进监狱。Born in the Carolina backwoods to an immigrant farming family from Ireland, he fought in the Revolution and was captured and imprisoned by the British.

在美国这样监管宽松的超市行业,除了那些住在深山老林里的人,大多数顾客离大型超级市场只有几分钟的车程。In America's lightly regulated supermarket industry, most shoppers in all but the deepest backwoods live just a few minutes' drive from a large supermarket.

他没有因为不能去偏僻森林地带的密西西比的体育馆感到忧虑,他深夜去到垃圾堆,用旧滑轮和水泥袋,不正规地进行他自己的体育训练。Unfazed by the absence of gyms in backwoods Mississippi, he made late night forays to the junkyard and jerry-rigged his own gym with old pulleys and bags of concrete.