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土地市场治理整顿不能松懈。Land market rectification can not relax.

这次整风,就是放一把明矾。The current rectification is like a dose of alum.

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我们准备在明年开展整风运动。We are to carry out a rectification movement next year.

整风运动是解放思想的具体形式。And rectification Movement is the concrete emancipation way.

能实现自动检测、自动纠偏、自动计米数。Automatic detection, rectification metering can be realized.

精馏是一种高投入的操作。Rectification is a kind of unit-operation that needs high cost.

能实现自动检测、自动纠偏、自动计米数。Automatic detection, rectification and metering can be realized.

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嵌入一个楔子就可纠正误差。Rectification of this fault is achieved by insertion of a wedge.

这就是反右派,就是整风。This was the anti-Rightist struggle, the rectification movement.

负责指导煤矿整顿关闭工作。To be responsible for the rectification and closure of coal mines.

这是对传统文学观的一次有力匡正。It is a forceful rectification of the traditional literary concept.

简要回顾了全波整流器的新进展。介绍了一种实现全波整流的新方法。A new method of realization of the full wave rectification is introduced.

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我们要在整风的基础上把党公开。Following rectification we shall reveal our Party membership to the public.

高速降压控制器与CPU电源同步整流。High-speed step-down controller with synchronous rectification for CPU power.

目前研究的焦点主要是IAD的诊断标准以及矫正。Now , the focus of research is IAD'S diagnosable standards and rectification.

对照研究老年A型行为矫正训练的效果。Objective To study the efficiency of type A behavior rectification in elders.

提出一种分两步进行物料平衡的实时数据校正方法。A two-step on-line data rectification method for material balance is presented.

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延安整风与马克思主义中国化有着密切的关系。The Yenan rectification and the sinicization of Marxism have close relationship.

还设有4个支路并联运行的全控桥式整流电路。This system also has a 4-branch parallel fully-controlled rectification circuit.

在整风中间,我们一定可以更多地学到一些马克思主义。We can certainly learn more about Marxism in the course of the rectification movement.