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INTERPHONE研究的科学家们面临一个问题,即这一发现到底是准确的呢,还是只是偏差数据的结果?The question for the INTERPHONE scientists was whether this finding was real or the result of flawed data?

英国压力集团WiredChild则表示,手机对儿童的影响也很大,但没有包括在Interphone研究中。WiredChild, a UK pressure group, said the implications for children – not included in the Interphone study – were serious.

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介绍了目前在监控系统中普遍使用的一种模拟对讲机,通过以太网传输升级成网络数字系统的设计方案。The design scheme how generally-used analog interphone transport system upgrades to networked digital system over Ethernet is introduced.

在美国这个不使用对讲机的国家之一,一项名为美国国家毒理学计划的项目开始进行手机对人体健康产生作用的研究。In the U.S., whichisn't one of the Interphone countries, the National Toxicology Programis launching studies of the health effects of cell phones.

去年,久经耽搁的对讲机报告没有发现确凿的证据表明手机会增加患癌症的风险,但这个问题仍未解决。Last year, the much-delayed Interphone report found no hard evidence that mobile phones increase the risk of cancer, but the issue remains unresolved.

这21位科学家为对讲机国际研究小组的部分成员,该小组研究资金部分由移动电话公司赞助。The 21 scientists were part of a group known as the Interphone International Study Group which was funded in part by money from mobile phone companies.

结合实际对船间对讲机功放块烧坏的原因进行了分析,提出了具体的解决对策,具有较高的推广价值。Aim at the event of power amplifier block was burned-out in the interphone between the ships to advance reason analyze for power amplifier block casualty.

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值班时间要始终开启对讲机,保证通讯通畅。注意合理控制对讲机音量,以不影响客人和其他员工的正常工作。Keep the interphone in Wking der on duty to ensure a free communication. Control the volume of interphone so that not to effect on guests other associates.

他们2010年的报告中指出在手机使用和脑瘤的发生率之间并没有本质的联系,而且事实上发现降低了某些癌症类型的发生率。Their 2010 Interphone report showed no substantial link with mobile phone use and incidence of brain cancers, and in fact found reduced rates for some types.

介绍了浙江临安市供电局利用IP语音通信技术,通过本局计算机局域网网络平台,实现系统内部电话在不同地区的延伸。The paper tells us Linan Electric Power how to realize Interphone extending at different areas, using IP voice communication technology in the local area network.

有批评指“对讲机”调查将那些一周只打一次电话的人也纳入调查范围之内,而且遗漏了对儿童的调查,有专家称这些可能弱化风险。The Interphone inquiry has faced criticism for including people who made just one call a week, and leaving out children, which some experts said could underplay the risks.

对讲机研究的结果最初发表于2006年,但最终报告再三推迟,有传闻说研究人员之间也开始出现分裂。The Interphone results initially were to be publishedin 2006, but the final report has been postponed repeatedly, and thestudy investigators are reportedly deeply divided.

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可能迄今为止最全面的研究当属由世界卫生组织主导的有十三个国家参与的Interphone研究,手机行业为该研究提供了一些资金。Probably the most thorough research so far is the thirteen-country Interphone study overseen by the World Health Organization, which received some funding from the cell phone industry.