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她给了他一个无礼的答复。She gave him a flippant answer.

他轻率的评论只是让法官更加愤怒。His flippant remarks only made the judge angrier.

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至于我的长答案,我尽量不罗唆。In my long answer , I try to be a little less flippant.

我不想在谈论性的时候显得过于轻浮。I don't want to seem flippant when I talk about the sex.

你不必对中国的政府如此轻率和不屑一顾。You don't need to be so flippant and dismissive of the Chinese government.

在面对自然危害的时候,身边怎么会有这样的人如此轻率妄为。I don't get how people can be so flippant in the face of natural disasters.

他不在乎自己对纽约社会说些轻浮的话,却不喜欢听别人使用同样的腔调。He did not mind being flippant about NewYork, but disliked to hear any one else take the same tone.

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他不在乎自己对纽约社会说些轻浮的话,却不喜欢听别人使用同样的腔调。He did not mind being flippant about New York, but disliked to hear any one else take the same tone.

若我知道我明天得要为高盛做反面宣传,我可能会说出一些不客气的评论.If I knew I was pitching something against Goldman tomorrow, I'd probably make some flippant remarks.

广告商们根本无法接受这种轻率的态度,他们强烈要求解决点击欺诈问题。Such a flippant attitude has not gone down well with advertisers, who are up in arms about the problem.

如果妳很轻率的话就可能吓到本来应该亲密的人。Be careful you may frighten someone that you should get to know more intimately if you are too flippant.

因此当你说出轻薄之词时,特别是接下来将疯狂地扒掉你的平角短裤时,我们肯定会被吓坏的。So when you make a flippant comment, especially if it’s followed by a mad scramble for your boxer shorts, it’s sure to freak us out.

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反过来,当有人表扬你或者给你一个赞美时不要太无所谓.不要说没有什么,应该说"谢谢"Conversely, don’t be flippant when some one praises you or gives you a compliment. Instead of saying it’s nothing, just say “thank you”.

要采取切实措施避免学风浮躁,遏制学术腐败,维护学术尊严,倡行学术诚信。Practical means should be carried out to prevent academic Flippant and corruption, safeguard the dignity of academy and advocate academic honesty.

Bryun轻率的评论与去年的俄罗斯国家报告背道而驰——去年的报告中记录了俄罗斯的酒精消费激增。Bryun's flippant comments stand in stark contrast to a state report released last year that documented a sharp rise in Russians' alcohol consumption.

文红旗起身要走时被兰贵成拉住,兰贵成对她油嘴滑舌,文红旗提出和他结婚,这让他十分高兴。Red flag rose up and walking to be LanGuiCheng pulls, LanGui her flippant in pairs, the red flag is put forward and he married, this made him very happy.

苏联人给艾姆仕的答案出人意料的简单,但艾姆仕深知自己之于苏联人的价值,苏联人不可能给他一个草率的回应。The answer the Soviets gave Ames seemed alarmingly simple, but Ames knew his value to the Soviets was so high that they wouldn't give him a flippant response.

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直至前方战事严重起来,路易·佐治出来救了国内的局面,这是超乎可笑的,于是目空一切的青年们不再嘲笑了。Till things developed over there, and Lloyd George came to save the situation over here. And this surpassed even ridicule, the flippant young laughed no more.