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缝合,丁字裤容易脚趾后滑。Stitched, thong toe post for easy slip-on.

性感薄纱内裤,背后有人造钻石环扣设计。SILK THONG With rhinestone circle trim at rear.

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记住把你的棉衬裤换成蕾丝。Change out of your cotton panties into a lacy thong.

他们要是能发现一件600年前的丁字裤,那才是猛料啊!When they find a 600 year old thong that WILL be news.

经验的水下探险热宝贝在通比基尼!Experience an underwater adventure with hot babes in thong bikinis!

她认识一些9岁的小女孩,她们让妈妈给她们买丁字裤。She knows of 9-year-olds asking their mothers to buy them thong underwear.

男舞者将一块毛巾裹在自己的腰部,任身上的腰带滑落到地上。He wraps a towel around his waist, allowing his thong to fall to the floor.

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这只小象的妈妈通迪,以前是曼谷街象。The calf was born at the zoo to mother Thong Dee, a former Bangkok street elephant

起水泡的时候,可以在凉拖和脚趾之间用上粘贴型斜纹棉布保护填充垫。Apply moleskin adhesive protection in between the thong and toe if a blister forms.

富兰克的叹息声是能听见的几乎是一种呻吟。她穿着一条有皮带的短裤。Frank's sigh is very audible, almost a moan. She's wearing a pair of thong panties.

从一开始就参与这个项目的Thong女士十分明确这个项目的效益Involved in the project since its inception, Madam Thong is clear about its benefits

男人的鞋为布底纳绑,鞋脸镶嵌双皮条。Shoes man's shoes for the cloth tied at the end of sodium, shoes, face inlaid double thong.

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然后裙子穿上了,但它的开叉太高都可以看到我实用的肉色皮条。Then the dress comes on, and it's slit so high you can see my utilitarian flesh-colored thong.

在悉尼动物园里,一头两岁大的亚洲象宝宝正依偎着它的妈妈。A 2-day-old baby Asian elephant snuggles up against his mother, Thong Dee, at Taronga Zoo in Sydney.

我乘坐的独木舟船头坐着个男孩,他用简陋的弹弓――橡皮弹架和皮索――发射石弹击打飞鸟。The boy in the bow of my canoe slapped stones at birds with a simple sling, a rubber thong and leather pad.

据英媒报道,英国新任首相夫人萨曼莎·卡梅伦近日被拍到穿着一条薄黑裙,黑裙底下隐约可见丁字裤。Britain's new "first lady" Samantha Cameron was spotted wearing a little thong under a sheer skirt, British media reported.

新加坡同济医院自成立之初起,就向社会大众提供免费的施医赠药。Singapore Thong Chai Medical Institution has been providing free medical consultation and medicines ever since it's inception!

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婚礼上,梅拉尼头戴传统面纱、脚踩白色高跟鞋,胸部完全坦露,唯独私密部位用裸色皮带遮住。Melanie wore a traditional veil and white high heels. Her breasts were exposed but a flesh-colored thong covered her nether-regions.

这也许不太容易,但是这花费的可只是你的时间和对韵律的冥思苦想。It may not be easy, but the only cost is your time and perhaps some headaches while you try to think of something that rhymes with thong.

我招了辆出租车,停在他家附近拐角处的星巴克,跑进洗手间,松了裙子下面的皮带,塞进皮包。I hailed a cab and ran into the ladies' room of the Starbucks on his corner, slipping off my thong under my skirt and stuffing it in my purse.