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但它值得我们为之奋斗。But it is worth fighting.

这是很忌讳的用语,非常地不礼貌Those are fighting words.

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科林像个男子汉似的在作战。Corm is fighting like a man.

继续战斗,下学期!Go on fighting the next term!

他边说,边强忍泪水。He said, fighting back tears.

我看到你跟John吵架了。I saw you fighting with John.

通货膨胀与公信度之战Inflation fighting credibility

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他们在打一场正义战争。They were fighting a just war.

这就是他的战斗姿态。This was his fighting posture.

我们为自己的权利而战。We are fighting for our rights.

森林的格斗王!?The Fighting King of the Forest!

难道是神灵在天堂里大开杀戒吗?Were the gods fighting in heaven?

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大家一直在明争暗斗。Everybody's fighting all the time.

我的未来在黑暗的世界里摸爬滚打。My future is fighting in the dark.

是谁开飞机打仗?。Who can fly the fighting airplane?

那些狗为了一块骨头而争斗。The dogs were fighting over a bone.

你们两老是干仗。The two of you are always fighting.

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只是不用抵抗重力了They have just stopped fighting it.

他们开始在墓穴中打斗。They started fighting in the grave.

你们想继续打架的话,就自便好了。Go on and keep fighting if you want.