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避免自助餐。Avoid the buffet.

我们发现摆出了一大堆冷餐食物。We found a huge buffet laid out.

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自助晚餐于星城赌场。Dinner at Star City Casina Buffet.

我刚只花了2.99美元吃了份中式自助餐。I just ate a Chinese buffet for only 2.99 dollars.

楼下有一加开的自助餐厅。There is a new opened buffet restaurant downstairs.

请问酒店自助餐边间最好食?。Which Hotel Buffet is the best? Have any suggestion?

一顿典型的斯堪地纳维亚饭店提供的早餐通常是一种不限量的自助早餐形式。is an unlimited, smorgasbord-style buffet breakfast.

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阁下对本酒店的西式自助早餐有何意见和建议?Do you have any suggestions about the western buffet?

八竿子打不到一块的事。Eight bamboo poles could not buffet a chip of matter.

自助餐在那边,您可以任意选择。The buffet is over there. You can choose what you like.

去那家KTV好了,它们的自助餐很不错喔。We're going to that KTV,and the buffet there is very nice.

顺便问一下,你们宾馆有自助餐厅或快餐厅吗?By the way, is there a buffet or a snack bar in your hotel?

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局蜗牛是我们自助餐最受欢迎的菜式之一。Escargots is one of the most welcomed dishes in our buffet.

我们有一个自助餐部。付40元就可以吃到您想吃的所有东西。We have a buffet. You can have all you want for 40 dollars.

只要96元人民币你就能享用精心准备的自助餐美食。For 96 RMB, free access to a well-stocked buffet is granted.

金秋十月,雅箸餐厅为您带来色香味俱全的全新自助餐。In Azur , our chef will bring in "color" to the Azur Buffet.

情侣VIP电影厅、自助餐厅全天候开放。Lovers movie hall and buffet restaurant are open in 24 hours.

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我们有一人自助餐部。付40元就可以吃到您想吃到您想吃的东西。We have a buffet. You can have all you wanted for 40 dollars.

西部风格的烧烤和自助餐,生啤软饮免费。Western style BBQ & Buffet. Free flow of beer and soft drink.

自助餐台或沙律吧的食品未能及时补充。When buffet tables or salad bars are not replenished quickly.