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那时我才感到这是真正的剑术!By then I really understand what the swordsmanship is!

几年前,他曾经对自己的剑术自信。Years ago, he was once confident about his swordsmanship.

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我从来没有看过这么精湛的剑术,佩服!I've never seen such flawless swordsmanship before. Very impressive!

多谢您的教诲,团长。您的剑术是举世无双的。Thank you, my lord, for the lesson. Your swordsmanship is astounding.

岳不群急于获得剑谱,精研剑法。Yue not the cluster was eager for sword spectrum, lapping swordsmanship.

顾名词义,“剑法”就是剑术的方法。As its name implies, "sword rule" is the practicing way of swordsmanship.

前已述及,剑术中的每个个体动作所形成的练习方法就叫做“剑法”。As mentioned above, every form in the swordsmanship will be called swordsmanship.

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剑术可以提高剑基础伤害和剑技能的伤害。Swordsmanship increases basic sword damage as well as damage dealt by sword skills.

武术中的拳术和剑术都有自己的个性和共性。The boxing and swordsmanship also have something in common and some thing different.

二十九式陈式太极剑是学习陈式剑法最捷径的入门套路。Form Chen Family Taiji Sword skill is rudimentary to learn Chen Family Swordsmanship.

令狐冲好奇的问风清扬为何这套剑法只攻不守。The breeze pure Yang ling curious ask why the swordsmanship only attack does not keep.

基础剑术训练课程中的对打练习。The video of the sparring practice conducted in the Introductory Swordsmanship Course.

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他是个哑巴,因为他年轻时为了领悟剑的精随而把自己的舌头给割了下来。He is mute, for he cut his tongue off so as to grasp the essence of swordsmanship when he was young.

在接演此片前对剑术一窍不通的他在镜头前却具有剑术大师的风范。Although he knew nothing about swordsmanship before this role, he mastered it effectively for the camera.

舍神剑张狂、大气,也是七剑中最有生命力、最坦荡的剑法。Excalibur Zhangkuang homes, the atmosphere, Seven Swords is the most viable, the most magnanimous of swordsmanship.

剑法是剑术的微观基础,没有微观基础,宏观事物何以安身?Swordsmanship is the microcosmic basis of sword technique, without this basic, How the macroscopical things exiting?

春秋战国时,斗剑、佩剑之风盛行,剑术量论也相应得到发展。In the warring state period, toasting fork and walking rapier were in vogue with swordsmanship also gaining certain development.

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总之,练剑术和拳术是一样的,需要明师、天赋和勤奋三个条件。Above all, famous master, genius and diligence are three basic condition to practicing swordsmanship , the Chinese boxing as well.

岂知这帮黑衣人对华山很是了解,知道华山气宗只知练气,剑法平庸。QiZhi this help men in black to huashan is very understanding, know huashan gas Pope know only practice gas, swordsmanship mediocrity.

他的全方位形体健身剑以形体运动为主体,运用剑的变化有机合成一套新型组合套路。Based on physical movement, his "All-Inclusive Swordsmanship Fitness Program" is a new combined set pattern which utilizes the use of various swords.