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这文件电视节目超过了预定时间。The TV program outran its time.

收入和支出的差距太大。His expenditure outran his income.

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然而他的心思比马蹄更敏捷。And yet his mind outran the horses' feet.

那位径赛明星比他所有的竞争对手跑得都快。The track star outran all of his competitors.

城市的发展大大超过总的人口激增。City growth far outran the general population boom.

彼得和那门徒就出来,往坟墓那里去。Both were running, but the other disciple outran Peter and reached the tomb first.

两个人同跑,那门徒比彼得跑得更快,先到了坟墓。Both were running, but the other disciple outran Peter and reached the tomb first.

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在1945年一月后苏联人取得了巨大的成就,直到他们的补给线延长到了极限。After January 1945 the Soviets made great gains until they outran their supply lines.

两个姑娘都立刻站了起来,不过朱儿跑在姐姐前面拿来了椅子。Both of them immediately rose, but Vermilion outran her sister and brought the chair.

一年之后,在多次世界室内赛中,刘翔跑赢除了约翰逊之外的所有人,获得银牌。A year later at Indoor Worlds, Liu outran everyone but Johnson to win the silver medal.

由于多方面因素,铝需求的降低小于大多数金属,然后又远远超出大多数金属。That aluminum slowed less than and again far outran most metals was due to a combination of factors.

甚至在最关键的马尔科姆孩童时代,文学性描述依然远远超出了众所周知的事实。The literary urge outran the knowable facts even in the most crucial episode in Malcolm's childhood.

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但这种创新变得如此极端,甚至超出了多数普通银行家的理解能力――更别提那些监管者了。But this innovation became so intense that it outran the comprehension of most ordinary bankers C not to mention regulators.

他随后逃离尾随的壮观爆炸,和千年鹰号从被毁的死星中凯旋地现身。He then outran the fantastic explosion that followed, and the Millennium Falcon emerged triumphantly from the dying Death Star.