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那种骗术瞒不过我。That deceit won't pass with me.

鸿沟的这场雪盲欺骗。Chasm of this snow-blind deceit.

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他不致于做出卑劣和欺骗的事情来。He is above meanness and deceit.

它还象征着无知和欺骗。It also symbolizes ignorance and deceit.

她向他诉说了母后的欺骗行为。She told him of his old mother's deceit.

黄色是嫉妒和欺骗的象征。Yellow is a symbol of jealousy and deceit.

整件事是说谎加上欺骗的混杂。The whole story was a farrago of lies and deceit.

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贪得无厌-不要让你自己变的贪心和狡诈。– Don't let greed and deceit get the best of you.

酷似绒毛玩具让人想抱在怀里的外表根本就是骗人的。Their resemblance to cuddly toys is a base deceit.

因此这个欺骗和两面派的游戏继续进行了下去。And so the game of deceit and double-dealing continued.

在他的彬彬有礼的伪装下,隐藏着欺诈和狡猾。Underneath his politeness, there was deceit and cunning.

你口任说恶言,你舌编造诡诈。Thou givest thy mouth to evil, and thy tongue frameth deceit.

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你口任说恶言、你舌编造诡诈。You use your mouth for evil and harness your tongue to deceit.

我的嘴决不说非义之言,我的舌也不说诡诈之语。My lips shall not speak wickedness, nor my tongue utter deceit.

贪得无厌-不要让你自己变的贪心和狡诈。Personal greed. – Don’t let greed and deceit get the best of you.

撒旦象征纯洁的智慧,而非虚假的自欺!Satan represents undefiled wisdom, instead of hypocritical self- deceit !

但马奇亚维利的名字,早已等同欺骗,背叛,狡猾和奸诈。His name, again, is synonymous with deception, treachery, cunning, deceit.

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我试过几次要回到霎哈嘉,但还是被我自己自欺的罗网套住了。I tried several times to return but was caught in the web of my own deceit.

我觉察到粘附在诊所天花板上的幔子是个骗局.I perceived that the veil clung on the ceiling of the clinic was deceit.

欺骗是非常浅薄的,因此浅薄之徒很容易陷身其中。Deceit is very superficial, and the superficial therefore easily fall into it.