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滑囊炎是滑囊的炎症。Bursitis is inflammation or irritation of a bursa.

结核性黏液囊炎发生率非常低。The incidence of tuberculous bursitis is very low.

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肌腱炎和滑囊炎是常见的过度使用损伤。Tendonitis and bursitis are common overuse injuries.

髋关节滑囊炎,跑步者髋关节痛的原因之一,通常,容易治愈。Hip Bursitis. A cause of hip pain in runners that often can be easily fixed.

我祖母受到严重的膝部滑囊炎的折磨,总是支着跟棍儿到处溜达。My grandmother suffered from severe knee bursitis and used a stick to get around.

髋关节滑囊炎,一个常见的问题,导致的疼痛出现在大腿上方的外侧。Hip bursitis is a common problem. It creates pain around the outside of the upper thigh.

湖人队的布朗由于右跟腱有伤缺席了今天的比赛。Los Angeles was without Kwame Brown, who sat out the game with bursitis in his right heel.

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在我互联网连上后再关闭我的问题,好吗?Do not close my case until I have Internet connectivity, OK?I'm getting bursitis in my knees.

的蛋白质新陈代谢的末端不有益于关节炎滑囊炎和骨关节炎尿。The end of protein metabolism is uric which is not good for arthritis bursitis and osteoarthritis.

髋关节滑囊炎的诊断,可以通过您在髋关节顶部感觉到的疼痛或肿胀。Hip bursitis may be diagnosed by pain or swelling over the bones you can feel at the top of your hip.

目的探讨关节镜下等离子刀治疗髌前滑囊炎的可行性。Objective To explore the feasibility of arthroscopic therapy of prepatellar bursitis with radiofrequency.

目的探讨在鼻内窥镜下微波治疗慢性咽囊炎的临床疗效。Objective To explore the curative effect of microwave on chronic pharyngeal bursitis under nasal endoscope.

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结论鼻内窥镜下采用微波治疗慢性咽囊炎具有较好的疗效。Conclusion Treatment of chronic pharyngeal bursitis by microwave technique under nasal endoscope is more effective.

经调养的肌肉和筋腱,更加灵活,不会导致髋关节滑囊炎的复发。Better toned muscles and tendons should then glide more easily and not cause hip bursitis to flare up again in the future.

根据报道说,他会接受每周一次的脚踝治疗,症状是滑囊炎和发炎。According to the newspaper, Mihm will undergo weekly treatments on the heel, which has been affected by bursitis and inflammation.

其中40例为腘窝囊肿,16例为膝部腱鞘囊肿,10例为半月板囊肿,4例为髌前滑囊炎。Of 70 cases of cysts, 40 cases are popliteal cysts, 16 cases ganglions, 10 cases cysts of menisci and 4 cases prepatellar bursitis.

目的探讨原发性髌上滑囊炎与髌下脂肪垫炎的治疗及其相关性。Objective To study the effect of treatment of suprapatellar bursitis and inflama- tion of subpatellar fat pad and their correlation.

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今年28岁的米姆的右脚踝已经有过两次大型手术,由于右脚踝发炎和疼痛他最近一直都没有打比赛。Mihm, 28, who has had two surgeries on his right ankle, has not played recently because of bursitis and soreness in his his right heel.

临床医师对于结核性黏液囊炎的病人,在疾病早期做出正确诊断是非常重要的。To make the correct diagnosis of tuberculous bursitis during the early stage, it is crucial that the physician be aware of this disease.

方法对10例患者在鼻内窥镜的导航下,采用微波破坏咽囊内壁进行治疗。Methods 10 chronic pharyngeal bursitis patients were treated by destroying the inner pharyngeal cavity with microwave technique under nasal endoscope.