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我们应该辩证的看待这个问题。We should look at the problem of dialectical.

输得起,输不起,这个是个很辨证得问题。A good loser or a bad loser is dialectical topic.

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它们之间是辩证统一的关系。Among them is a relationship of dialectical unity.

这就是为什么他称他的体系为辩证唯物主义。That's why he called his system dialectical materialism.

阿希比底思设法在辩证法中找到自我。Alcibiades tries to find the self in a dialectical movement.

从辩证法上来分析,诡辩的本质是一种谬误。Dialectical analyzing the nature of sophism, it is a mistake.

巴拉克·奥巴马似乎也被这一辩证的轨迹给抓住了。Barack Obama, too, seems to be caught in this dialectical rut.

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对这句话,家住上海的郑女士有自己的看法。Ms. Zheng, a lady in Shanghai, has a dialectical view, however.

波兰尼的默会认识理论具有深刻的辩证法内涵。The theory of tacit knowledge embodies deep dialectical spirit.

改革体现了人与社会的辩证统一。Reform reflects the dialectical unity between human and society.

语言和文化之间存在着一种辩证关系。There is a dialectical relationship between language and culture.

浏阳个案生动地说明了这一辩证关系。This dialectical relationship is lively shown in the Liuyang case.

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我们正在学习马克思主义辨证唯物主义哲学。We are learning the Marxist philosophy of dialectical materialism.

数学是逻辑程序与归纳程序的辩证统一。Mathematics is a dialectical unity of logic and inductive procedures.

分工与集成属于二律背反,它们之间存在着辩证关系。There is a dialectical relationship between integration and division.

我们应该在辩证统一中坚持党的最高纲领。We must uphold the maximum programme of the Party in dialectical unity.

本文初步探讨了辩证逻辑有关的一些问题。This article presents the ABC on some of the dialectical logic problems.

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这也就是所谓的辨证求因或审证求因。Because this is also so-called dialectical asks or examines the card to ask.

信仰与人的历史性存在是辩证统一的关系。Belief and the historical existence form a relationship of dialectical unity.

“三个面向”是一个辩证统一的有机整体。In a word, The "Three Orientations" is a dialectical and organic integration.