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是承德钢铁公司下属吧?Material Filiale of Chengde Steel Co.

他希望公司能将他调到苏州的分部。He wish that his corporation could manoeuvre him to the filiale at SuZhou.

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本文对某固网运营商一市级分公司的客户数据进行上述方法的实证应用。A practice of churn prediction is conducted in a filiale of a fixed-line operator.

为进一步开拓国际市场,1996年在澳大利亚设立了分公司。In order to explore international market, we set up a filiale at Australia in 1996.

该子公司是集团在中国最大的分公司,投资超过1亿美元。The filiale is the group's largest filiale in China, investment over 100 million US dollars.

然后,对中国网通某通信分公司大客户满意度评估过程进行了实证研究。The article summarize great customer satisfaction evaluation process for China Netcom certain filiale.

它的工程背景是为黑龙江地方城市电信分公司开发一套实用的办公自动化系统。Its engineering background is a practical OAS which is explored for Heilongjiang local city telecom filiale.

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2002年在大陆设立上海分公司,我们将以最好的设计,最优的价格,最完善的服务为国内企业服务。We plan to put up a filiale in Shanghai in 2002. We will supply the best service with low cost to our buyers in China.

它的工程背景是为黑龙江地方城市电信分公司开发一套实用的综合业务办公自动化系统。Its engineering background is a practical colligation operation OAS which is explored for Heilongjiang local city telecom filiale.

上海檀龙建筑科技发展有限公司是恒龙集团的全资子公司,在杭州,宁波,舟山分别设有分公司和办事处。Shanghai Tanlong Science and Technology Dovelopment Co. , LTD is the filiale of Hengrui Group. It has its subsidiary in Hangzhou, Ningbo and Zhoushan.

作为家电营销网络管理分支机构层的销售分公司是家电企业价值链的战略性环节,发挥着连接客户层和总部层的桥梁纽带作用。As a key filiale of the household electric appliance marketing net, the sales branch company plays the role of linking the customer and the parent company.

因我司扩展需要,广州分公司长期招聘以下职位人员,我们真诚期待您的加入。In order to meet our expansion needs, now the GZ filiale is inviting you to join us sincerely. We will provide you a much wider platform of self-development.

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我们的客户是某美资世界五百强集团的子公司,在无线、光纤类和全功率系统产品和技术方面处于世界领先地位。Our client is a filiale of a US-funded group of the world's top 500 enterprises, in the wireless, fiber type and the whole power system products and technologies in a leading position in the world.

本文以正泰南京销售公司为研究对象,论述了中国低压电器行业的销售型小企业未来发展的战略定位和实施问题。This thesis takes CHINT Nanjing sale filiale as an example and expounds the strategic positioning and implementation of Chinese little sale enterprises of low voltage electrical equipment industry.