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第聂伯河后边的区域。The area behind the Dnieper river.

苏联西欧部分一城市,位于莫斯科西南第聂伯河边。A city of western European U. S. S. R. on the Dnieper River southwest of Moscow.

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彼得率领14500人的军队在第聂伯河边的勒斯纳亚拦截住了补给车队。Peter led a force of 14, 500 to intercept the supply train at Lesnaya on the Dnieper.

第聂伯罗捷尔任斯克位于第聂伯河畔的苏联南欧部分城市。A city of southern European U. S. S. R. on the Dnieper River south-southwest of Kharkov.

“骷髅”师重新为1943年剩余时间稳准了第聂伯河防线的局势。The Totenkopf Division remained on station in the Dnieper bend for the remainder of 1943.

苏联欧洲部分中西部的一城市,在第聂伯河上,位于莫斯科西南偏西。A city of west-central European U. S. S. R. on the Dnieper River west-southwest of Moscow.

第聂伯河纵贯中部,是航运干线和工农业主要水源。Dnieper north-south central part of the shipping lines and major industrial and agricultural water.

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成吉思汗去世时,他所统治的地区东起黄河,西至俄罗斯南部的第聂伯河两岸。By the time he died Genghiz Khan ruled from the Yellow River in the east to the banks of the Dnieper in southern Russia.

党卫队避开了苏军部队,把他们留给了后续部队,他们现在的目标是第聂伯河在施克罗夫的交叉点。The SS men avoided the Soviet troops, leaving them for follow-on forces, and aimed for a crossing point over the River Dnieper at Shklov.

红军跨越第聂伯河企图在国防军南方集团军群和北方的中央集团军群之间进行突破。The Red Army pushed across the Dnieper and threatened to open a breach between the Wehrmacht's Army Group South and its neighbour to the north, Army Group Centre.

同时,黑海也容纳像顿河,第聂伯,多瑙河一些来自欧亚水系并向北流动的大河。The Black Sea also receives river water from large Eurasian fluvial systems to the north of the Sea, of which the Don, Dnieper and Danube are the most significant.

当党卫队试图占领大桥时,俄国空军把它摧毁了,工兵再一次修复,然后向高尔基继续前进。Russian aircraft bombed the bridges over the Dnieper that the SS men were trying to capture, and again engineers had to repair them before the advance could continue towards Gorki.

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当俄罗斯和波兰分裂乌克兰在第聂伯河,哥萨克呼吁土耳其人,谁利用这一机会捕捉Kaminiec在1672年和事先向利沃夫在波兰。When Russia and Poland divided the Ukraine at the Dnieper River, the Cossacks appealed to the Turks, who used the opportunity to capture Kaminiec in 1672 and advance to Lvov in Poland.