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她写些带有黑色喜剧主题的奇怪歌曲。She writes strange songs with dark comedic themes.

我喜欢他的具有喜剧风格的作品。I like his books,which were styled with comedic manner.

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一本是喜剧大作,另一本是令人震撼的历史悲剧。One is a comedic masterpiece, the other a devastating historical tragedy.

我们都知道她是个很棒的喜剧演员,她会是一个靠谱的动作影星吗?We all know she is a great comedic actress, could she be a believable action star?

我认为我们五人是最棒的演讲者,我们都能幽默地演讲。I think we're the five best speakers out there. We bring a comedic point of view to speaking.

第三章主要探讨朱德庸漫画作品的喜剧性特征。Third chapter mainly carries on the analysis to the Zhu Deyong cartoon work comedic characteristic.

撰写剧本时心里想着特定的喜剧演员可以帮助你更好地设计剧本里的角色。Writing with specific comedic actors in mind will help you define the characters in your comedy script.

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赵树理小说最显著的美学风格,是它焕发着一股勾魂摄魄的喜剧美。The most notable aesthetical style of ZHAO Shuli′s novels irradiates the most attractive comedic beauty.

收集并保存这些幽默的诱因在“微笑文件”里面,当你马上需要一个笑容或者是喜剧灵感时,就翻开来看看。Collect &save these humor starters in a “Smile File” when you quickly need a laugh or comedic inspiration.

喜剧小品能否达到高境界,幽默技巧是关键性条件,而构成幽默的主要元素是语言。Whether Comedic Skits can reach a climax depends on their humorous skills, in which language plays a key role.

加拿大多年来产生了许多优秀的喜剧天才,而金·凯利无疑是新一代中最出色的。Canada has been producing fine comedic talents for years,and Jim Carrey is definitely the best of the new breed.

加拿大多年来产生了许多优秀的喜剧天才,而金。凯利无疑是新一代中最出色的。Canada has been producing fine comedic talents for years , and Jim Carry is definitely the best of the new breed.

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为隐藏明星身份,麦莉和她的伙伴们引发了一系列的幽默情景。She struggles to keep her pop-star identity as Hannah Montana a secret, which leads to numerous comedic occurrences.

答嘴鼓是一种喜剧性的说唱艺术,近似我国北方的对口相声。Dazuigu is a comedic art form that combines spoken dialogue with songs, similar to northern China's "comic dialogue. ""

他的生产在本质上是喜剧,但往往有一个基本的政治为基础的主题雕塑。He's known to produce sculptures that are comedic in nature but often times have an underlying, politically-based theme.

周还创造了“周先生的现场表演”,这被视为第一个电视喜剧节目在中国。Zhou also created "Mr. Zhou Live Show, " which is considered by some as the first television comedic talk show in China.

看看喜剧电影电视剧,读读笑话集,参加喜剧表演,看看报纸杂志里的卡通画。Watch comedic movies and TV sitcoms, read humorous essays, attend comedy shows, and read magazine and newspaper cartoons.

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他的大部分作品都运用漫画般奇想,充满了喜剧和诙谐的色彩,同时对人物也有的深刻的剖析。Most of Raimi's films combine comedic and darkly humorous colors, comic-book style fantasticism , and memorable characters.

不仅从经典喜剧演员那里窃取笑料,还是种族主义者,对于什么都没有喜感。Not only does he steal jokes from classic comedians but he's needlessly racist and had no sense of comedic timing whatsoever.

曼迪在他面前经过时,他清了清嗓子,为了更富于戏剧性,她想是,虽然她听着也像是含着口浓痰。Mandy made to move past him, and he cleared his throat, for comedic effect, she figured, though she could also hear phlegm swirl.