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他看起来像个小混混儿。He looks like a thug.

软脚流氓不能进行阻挡。Spineless Thug can't block.

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那歹徒从颈后把他抓住。The thug grappled him around the neck.

安妮则完全相反,是个小太妹。Annie, on the other hand, is quite the little thug.

我是生活在监狱外的暴徒,拿着手枪对着天空,哈哈。Thug Livin out a prison, pistols in the air, hahaha.

感谢上帝,这狂徒终于脚踏实地。Thank god this thug has finally come back down to earth.

南希佩洛西是个个人利益的无耻的政治流氓。Nacy Pelosy is a self-interested thick-skinned political thug.

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我听见凶手穿着沉重的靴子在楼上咯咯地走来走去。I could hear the thug thudding about upstairs in his heavy boots.

“但是”,警察仍旧笑着说,“这个恶棍是个填充人偶。”"But, " said the Officer, still smiling, "it was a stuffed Thug."

除美国人以外,世界上所有人都知道美国就是个大骗子和暴徒。Except Americans, all people in the world know US is the lier and thug.

艾克是一个屠夫,他对集中营的犯人丝毫没有一点同情之心。Eicke was a brutal thug who showed no pity towards the inmates of his camps.

卡扎菲的最新版本,血液歌谣和暴徒黑客帝国2均在2006年发布。Khadafi's latest releases, Blood Ballads and Thug Matrix 2 were both released in 2006.

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法官尼古拉斯·科尔曼判他入少年犯管教所服刑四年。Judge Nicholas Coleman gave the Chinese thug four years in a young offenders' institute.

他们之中总是有一些恶棍,”他说着,眼睛眯起来,摆了摆手指。There's a bit of thug in all of them, " he says, his eyes narrowing, his finger wagging."

“半人马”我认为反映出了我们所有人自己内心深处无法逃避的狂暴的兽性。‘Centaur’ I thought reflected our inability to escape the eternal animal thug in all of us.

就在卡斯特想逮捕这个“医生”时,埃瓦赞被一个叫庞达·巴巴的海象脸恶棍救走了。Before Kast could capture The Doctor, Evazan was rescued by a walrus-faced thug named Ponda Baba.

监控录像拍到了一个无耻的恶棍点燃塞尔弗里奇专卖店、引发商业街大火的画面。A brazen thug is caught on camera torching a Miss Selfridge store and causing a High Street inferno.

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一旦走上暴力之旅,今天的暴徒很容易就成为明天的恐怖主义者。Once launched on his trajectory of violence, today’s thug can readily be converted into tomorrow’s terrorist.

斯卡吉尔被各工会视为骁勇善战的英雄,却被主流媒体看成一个马克思主义的暴徒。Scargill was perceived as a militant hero by the unions, and as a Marxist thug by most of the mainstream press.

最早出现在银幕上的阿夸利什人是庞达·巴巴,那个在莫斯埃斯利酒馆和卢克搭讪的野蛮暴徒。The first Aqualish seen on screen was Ponda Baba, the brutish thug that accosts Luke in the Mos Eisley Cantina.