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他岂止是报答了我的帮助。He has more than repaid my kindness.

公司发给她奖金以酬谢她工作努力。The firm repaid her hard work with bonus.

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她的好心却受到了恶报。Her good intentions were repaid by evil results.

他的好心却得到了恶报。His good intentions were repaid by evil results.

她不图回报她的好心。She doesn't intend to be repaid to her kindness.

令人担心的是迪拜不会全额偿还贷款。The fear is the loans will not be repaid in full.

但是我相信,好心一定会有好报。But I believe that kindness is repaid with kindness.

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但在义人复活的时候,你必能得到赏报。For you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.

他的长途跋涉得到了百倍的补偿。His long trek up the hillside had been repaid a hundredfold.

善行总有善报么?Is virtuous behavior repaid with some kind of ultimate good?

而今他的奋不顾身得到了“尖峰时刻”的回报。Now it's the " rush hour" to be repaid for that devotion for him.

一万镑!天不容!即使半数,又怎么还得起?Ten thousand pounds! Heaven forbid! How is half such a sum to be repaid?

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当用户支付信用卡账单时,发卡银行的处理会很快。The issuing bank gets repaid when the customer pays his credit card bill.

可随时通知债务人偿还的贷款,又称可收回贷款。A loan that must repaid upon the lender's demand. Also called callable loan.

作为一个旁观者,他那从良心出发的焦虑得到了补偿。He was repaid for his conscientious anxiety in the character of a spectator.

只是在目前牺牲一下你的虚荣心,之后肯定会有补偿的。The present little sacrifice of your vanity will afterwards be amply repaid.

阿凡提借了财主一锭金子,还他时给了他两锭。Afanty borrowed a small ingot of gold from a moneybags, but repaid him two ones.

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2009年,Groupon曾拨给梅森一笔借款用以购买一些股票,这些钱他只还了一部分。In 2009, Groupon gave Mason a loan to buy some shares, which he repaid only in part.

保罗‧基内也借钱给马叟,希望新盖的旋转屋卖出后能把钱拿回来。Paul Quinet also lent Mr. Massau money, hoping to be repaid when the houses were sold.

我训练中承受了很多,但是训练场上花的心血没有白费。I worked and suffered a lot, but in the end whoever spits blood during training is repaid.