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一个俊俏苍白的女孩。A handsome pale girl.

他是一位美男子。He is a handsome man.

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他是罘是长的狠帅?Is He very handsome ?

听起来很不错吧。Sounds very handsome.

变青蛙为王子。Into a handsome prince.

你看上去很帅。You look very handsome.

好的,他必须很帅吗?Ok, he shall be handsome?

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但是它看起来帅呆了。But he looked so handsome.

这小伙子长得挺俊的。That lad is very handsome.

那位斗牛士真帅。The matador is so handsome.

他不帅,而是丑。He is not handsome but ugly.

我忘记了他有多帅!I forgot how handsome he is!

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帅帅的男人,祝福你。The handsome man, bless you.

我的白马王子在哪?Where is my handsome prince?

他既英俊又多金。He is both handsome and rich.

他穿上制服显得很英俊。He looks handsome in uniform.

你好,我叫小倩。Hello, I call small handsome.

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我会给你一笔丰厚的酬劳的。I'll give you a handsome tip.

那是一只英俊的导盲犬。It is a handsome guiding dog.

她说长的挺帅的。She says that he is handsome.