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印第安人的大鸟成了老鹰。The big bird of the Amerindian being the eagle.

收藏加拿大艺术、当代艺术、印第安人艺术和装饰艺术。Canadian art, contemporary art, Amerindian art, and decorative arts.

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加拿大的梅蒂斯人是指印第安人和白人通婚的后代。Métis in Canada is the offspring of an Amerindian and a white person.

加拿大的梅蒂斯人是指印第安人和白人通婚的后代。A Métis in Canada is the offspring of an Amerindian and a white person.

这可能也反映了美洲印第安人集体决策的传统。That may reflect an Amerindian tradition of collective decision-making.

分布在华盛顿到英属哥伦比亚的美洲印第安语系的一个分支。A family of amerindian languages spoken in washington and british columbia.

研究人员表示,他们将继续努力,以决定何时美洲印第安人的基因首次在抵达冰岛。Researchers said they would keep trying to determine when the Amerindian genes first arrived in Iceland.

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它是南美洲一个贫穷、炎热的内陆国家,仅有600万人口,其中许多是美洲印第安人后裔。It is a poor, sweltering, landlocked tract of South America with only 6m people, many of Amerindian descent.

加拿大的印第安原住民被称作“第一民族”。和玻利维亚的印第安人一样,他们的土地一直以来都是共有的。THE Amerindian peoples of Canada, where they are known as First Nations, like those in Bolivia, have traditionally held land in common.

莫拉莱斯总统所领导的赞成派认为,几个世纪以来长期存在的歧视现象将得到扭转。Its supporters, led by President Evo Morales, a socialist of Amerindian descent, argue that the constitution will reverse centuries of discrimination.

正如我说过,第一个选择,将有助于保护热带雨林和文化的许多热带森林民族,无论是印第安人和卡巴克罗。As already mentioned, the first option will help conserve tropical forests and the cultures of numerous tropical-forest peoples, both Amerindian and caboclo.

他们五百年的异族通婚历史是不幸的历史,是欧洲殖民地化、当地美洲印第安人的开垦和长期的非洲奴隶制的结果。Their 500-year history of miscegenation was an unhappy one, the result of European colonisation, exploitation of the native Amerindian population and a long history of African slavery.