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等等你喜欢我的腰果鸡丁?Wait, you liked my cashew chicken?

腰果黄油抹面包——事实上,不能比这个再多的了。Cashew butter on toast —Actually, not any more.

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一道简单又营养的腰果青豆做好了,你想试试吗?A simple and nutrition cashew beans, you want to try?

腰果坚果含有毒素,油炸后便会除掉。The cashew nuts contain a toxin which is eliminated through frying.

HL系列鞋用胶粘剂,自硬呋喃树脂,腰果油等。HL series of shoe adhesives, since the hard Furan Resin, cashew oil.

我们要采购有色金属和非有色金属废料,腰果,原棉。We want to buy Ferrous and Non Ferrous Scrap, Cashew Nuts , Raw Cotton.

肉质的果托,或称腰果,可做果酱和干果。The fleshy hypocarp, or cashew apple, is processed into jam and dried fruit.

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更晚些时候,我们遇到一对老夫妇在一个户外的路子上烤腰果。Further along we meet an oldcouple who are roasting cashew nuts in an outdoor oven.

酪梨苹果生长在巴西,因其果实易碎而不能运输。The cashew apple grows in Brazil and it cannot be transported due to its fragility.

柚子,红柚,芝麻菜,樱桃红西红柿,腰果,小洋葱,泰式沙拉酱。Pomelo, Grapefruit, Arugula, Cherry Tomato, Cashew Nuts, Shallots, Thai Style Dressing.

鲜或干的椰子、巴西果及腰果,不论是否去壳或去皮。Coconuts, Brazil nuts and cashew nuts, fresh or dried, whether or not shelled or peeled.

裹上面粉,再沾上一层蛋液,最后裹上腰果面包屑。Coat the chicken with flour mixture, then dip in egg mixture and coat with cashew mixture.

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这个餐厅提供严格素食的汤和沙拉,比如南瓜面条陪腰果干酪。The café and juice bar has vegan soups and salads, like zucchini noodles with cashew ricotta.

目的对腰果的主要过敏原进行分析、鉴定与纯化。Objective To isolate, identify and purify the allergens in cashew nut, anacardlun occidentale L.

原粒杏仁及腰果制造,配以橙皮丁及柠檬丁,味道清新,啖啖香脆。Made from whole almond and cashew nut, with a taste of crispy crust with an orange and lemon fragrance.

炸木瓜花,还有香脆的腰豆以及花生,很清新的组合。Som Thod is the deep fried papaya flower salads , with cashew nuts and peanuts, a refreshing combination.

在东方,朱砂最常用于和如树树脂混合在一起。In the orient, the cinnabar pigment is most often combined with a resin varnish from trees of the cashew family.

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酪梨苹果口味甜美,有种非常特殊热带风味,果汁非常新鲜。The sweet taste of the cashew fruit has a very specific, tropical flavor and its juice is considered very refreshing.

目前中国需要大量的越南腰果,但是越南各企业不能满足中国方面的需求。At present China needs many Vietnam cashew , but each enterprise cannot satisfy Vietnam the demand of Chinese respect.

我们要采购木材,木材产品和木板,金银-黄金和白银,黄金,木材,腰果,喷气燃料的木材。We want to buy Timber, Timber Products and Plank, Bullion-Gold and Silver, Gold, Timber, Cashew Nuts, Jet Fuel Timber.